On the other hand, I got another one with a fillin for gender earlier

Nov 11, 2013 14:21

Survey: You're a woman, right? We're gonna show you pictures of men, please rate how attractive they are.

lol, nice assumption there.

They all had that hollywood white douchebro with overly groomed fake-scruffy-stubble look that all blurs together in a sea of can't-tell-you-apart for me, too. Couldn't I at least have had some actually scruffy stubble/legit body hair or some 80s-style androgyny?

And then it asked me about my current partner and how likely it was I'd still do things "with a member of the opposite sex"-and it assumed further that if I did any of these, that I'd be worried about being "caught"...lol, and AT THE VERY END it asked if I was attracted to "men and/or women". You would think you'd want that at the start. And it asked for the date I next expect to start my period. Um. I wonder if I'll actually get paid for this. I ANSWERED HONESTLY. (I should have put 12/31/1969...)

I'm tempted to take future bad surveys like this in-character as assorted fictional characters. Writing exercise!

grumpy disabled queer, fail, survey adventures

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