Hey, hey,
guess what I have? (We won't go into how I had to wait longer to even find out because nobody bothered to mention that a lot of common anti-diarrhea meds would mess up the cultures...well, other than in tiny print on a sheet my dad couldn't see to read me. You would think that would be logical when collecting samples for severe diarrhea, but I guess not.)
Oh look. It's something people often catch from hospitals after being made to take fucking unnecessary but they wouldn't give me surgery otherwise because baww procedure they're haaaarmless broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Now I get to try and find something that'll kill it without making me even sicker...and in the meantime, be paranoid I'll pass it on to my mom and her messed up immune system.
(edit) Though my mom had a thought: This can hang around not doing much for a while, and I got really sick with an antibiotic after my hysterectomy. What if I caught it then, my body fought it most of the way off on its lonesome, and this has made it bite back? My colon's been kinda shitty (har har) the past couple years, maybe I've had this camping out a long time and if I smite it properly I'll do better overall.
The pharmacy also thinks they can get me a newer more targeted antibiotic less likely to make me sick. I don't want to think about the cost if insurance decides to whine, but ugh. I just want this to stop reliably and safely.