So I'm boy cotting the IDS now. It's gotten ridiculus in it's coverage of the elections and I don't want it anymore. I suggest something be said about it at the next CR meeting and see if there is anything we can do about the biased they are portraying toward Republicans (cause it's so obvious... 4 main articles in the paper today versus none about Republicans) but I don't know if there IS anything we can do.
Who is up for Yell Like Hell tomorrow around 8 at the IMU? I'd like to go and do all the Homecoming stuff this year and since I don't have anything big planned Friday morning but class I would like to go but not go alone. I'd also like a big group to go. So just leave me a message here or see me out and about if you'd like to go. *ponders* I wonder who's performing. I think the Redsteppers have performed before and the drumline (there is a picture up in Hundred Hall at least... AND THAT IS NOT THE REASON I'M GOING CHRIST I'M NOT THAT FREAKING BAD!!!!!!!!!) and I guess the Greeks will do stuff. I just want to expierence it and say I've been there.
The IU Olympians will be the grand marshalls for the parade! YIPPIE!!!! Dad will have fun catching up with some of them I'm sure. :)
Not physically feeling any better and my mental state isn't much better so I'm just gonna go slowly work and listen to my CD and/or the internet radio. No one else is down here and it's so hot I just want to curl up under the desk behind me in my cubical and take a nap. A good long nap with
Tigger <---click for a picture of my Tigger!!. I miss my baby boy so much. He helped his mommy get dressed today my sitting on the shirt he wanted me to wear. It's my yellow clevage up the wazoo shirt. Of course the wonderbra isn't helping much either. ;) To bad I'm all bloated, I'd take the bulky sweater off and show off my girls.
Ah nothing like a good showtune to make me smile... kind of. I want to sing really loudly right now. :(