demeleier application ;;

Aug 15, 2010 22:19

Player Name: Missy.
Player LJ: fapworthy
Contact: casts death [aim] ; [e-mail]
Character Number: First.

Character: Kamina
Fandom: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Personality: You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who possesses more passion, energy, and sheer determination than Kamina does. This passion applies itself to almost all aspects of his life, be it the goals he sets, the things he believes, or the people he considers friends. Whatever he sets his mind to, he dedicates himself to it 100%, and there is no deterring him or changing his mind. Because of this, he also has a rebellious side to him, willingly throwing out or simply breaking the rules if they get in the way of his goals. For him, the sky is the limit, and if he ever reached it he'd insist that he could go even further.

This dedication usually leads to him plowing into obstacles headfirst without any apparent plan and a seeming disregard for his and everyone elses safety. Where other people might opt to back off or run away, he continues to push himself forward no matter what the risk. While this might seem brave at first, his actions often fall under the 'idiot hero' genre; too dumb to be afraid. One of Kamina's many philosophies is "kick logic to the curb and do the impossible", and as such, it should come as no surprise that he follows his gut more than his head. Far from being a brilliant strategist, most of his so-called 'plans' are carried out on nothing more than pure and simple dumb luck.

This impulsiveness is also apparent in basic social interactions with him, where the phrase 'speaks-before-he-thinks' comes to mind. When speaking with him, you'll find he's prone to making any number of dim-witted, pig-headed, and at times downright inappropriate comments. You'll also quickly learn that has a tendency to be frustratingly stubborn, as once he gets an idea in his head, there's almost zero chance of him abandoning it no matter what you say to him. Also, for a guy who pledges 'actions speak louder than words', he's not above making grandiose, self-inflated speeches, as he likes to make his presence known.

All of the traits detailed above lend themselves to a surprisingly strong leadership quality. Though most might find him ridiculous at first (and with good reason), there is something about his energy and determination that draws people in. Needless to say, his drive and ambition tend to be contagious, and when people see him get knocked down only to pick himself right back up, it encourages them to be stronger, too. Plus, in high-pressure situations where others would panic or falter, he can keep a level head and get things done, even if his actions do seem insane. Of course, he's only human, and even he has moments where determination turns into all-out desperation.

On the surface, these qualities often tend to make him seem arrogant, oblivious, and, well, reckless. However, there is more to him than meets the eye, and if you can get past all the hype he surrounds himself with, you'll find he can be relatively down to earth and even mature. When alone or in times of relative calm, he proves himself to be a deep thinker who does care about the people around him and the bigger picture, even if he does seem aloof at first. Deep down, he possesses a sincere desire to make the world a better place, and see the people around him reach their full potential.

That being said, though one might be quick to label him as arrogant, he never once entertained the thought that he could do it all alone. If not for the people around him, he wouldn't have accomplished half (or any) of the things he did, and he knows this. There is, as they say, a method to his madness, and that method lies in simple trust. As long as he believes in the people around him, he believes in himself, and together they can overcome any obstacle. If he finds someone starting to falter or lose their nerve, he'll be there in a flash to knock some sense into them and set them back on track. With this in mind, you could essentially call all his 'big talk' nothing more than a bluff, designed to rally the people around him and intimidate the competition.
Abilities: Overall, Kamina doesn't appear to possess any superhuman qualities. Though he proves himself to be a capable fighter, his strength and speed are proportionate to his build, and while he shows natural skill with a sword, he's by no means an outstanding swordsman. (Though, give him time to practice and put him under enough pressure, and there's not telling how good he might get.) Really, most of his damage is done by use of Gurren (and, even moreso, Gurren-Lagann), which won't be coming along for obvious reasons.
Link to an image of the character: The manly motherfucker on the right.

Sample writing: Originally, Kamina didn't understand what all the fuss was about when the holiday season rolled around. Hell, he hadn't even seen snow up until a couple weeks ago, so it was safe to say it was yet another new experience for him. Regardless, the holiday spirit proved to be contagious, and anyone who knew Kamina knew he couldn't resist anything involving spirit.

So, when the other villagers headed into the woods to chop down their own trees for decoration, Kamina eagerly followed suit, with one minor difference: where the others had decided to go with small, practical trees, Kamina refused to settle for anything less than the biggest, manliest one.

Wearing nothing but his cape to shield his bare torso from the chill, he started his trek up the mountainside in search of the perfect tree, determined. As he passed more and more trees without a second glance, it seemed like the search would never end, until --

"Now THAT'S a tree!" came his triumphant call as his eyes fell on a large fir. Circling around the trunk of his prize a few times, he quickly set to work chopping it down with his HOLIDAY SPIRIT! It was a tedious task to take on by himself, but eventually the tree fell with a thud into the blanket of snow. The job wasn't done, however, as he still had to somehow manage to get the monstrous tree back to the village and, somehow, into his cottage. (Admittedly, he never spared a thought as to how he would fit such a large tree into his cabin, but that obstacle would come later.)

It didn't take long for him to get an idea, and you didn't have to know him too well to know that his ideas often turned out to be, well, dangerous. This time was no exception.

It was this very idea that lead to our current situation: Kamina sitting astride the trunk of a large tree as it barreled down a frozen stream toward the village, looking as though he'd never been more thrilled in his life. This part of his so-called plan wasn't the worst part, as the frozen stream was certainly slick enough to give the tree momentum; the problem would be stopping it once he did reach the village.

As he hurtled closer, the only warning he offered was this:


Whatever other meaning he got out of a simple tree, we'll never know, as at that moment the tree hit a bump and shot into the air, knocking the wind out of him as he attempted to hold on. Well, if he could figure out how to steer the thing, that'd be one way to get it into his cottage. We never said this adventure wouldn't be without it's, er, damages.

Sample journal entry: [ Upon waking up on the stone steps of the temple, Kamina's main concern was probably not the typical reaction of someone who had just been brought here. Sure, the place was interesting, and he wondered what was going on, but for now there were more pressing matters at hand.

Unfortunately for the bird he was chasing, Kamina's ailment was hunger.

Unfortunately for Kamina, the bird appeared to be smarter than him.

When the video feed clicks on, it shows viewers a random assortment of swirling scenery for a few moments before it thuds to the ground, having been used as a projectile in an attempt to knock the bird out of the sky. Accompanying the visual is a series of loud squawks and yelling. ]

Son of a bitch!


[ Initially, he gives chase, bringing him close enough to the device to show his legs, revealing that one of his feet appears to be bare. As the bird gets further and further away, the rest of the man can be seen as he drops to his knees, defeated. One hand is clutching the aforementioned shoe (which he had resorted to using as a weapon), while the other moves to rest against his abdomen, suppressing a rumble. He stares at the sky for a moment before thudding forward to lay flat on the ground, sighing. ]

Ahh.. so hungryyyy...
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