Sep 12, 2007 23:26
hey gang.
well i think i've decided that i made the right decision. turning my life upside down and deciding to start all over at a new school was probably one of the hardest decisions that i've ever made. classes are more challenging, the campus is larger, i know far fewer people, the dorm is.... well, a dorm, and did i mention i know far fewer people? yet i find myself thinking "this feels right" more and more frequently as i walk to and from classes, sit in the dining halls, or work on homework. even though i find myself alone a lot, i haven't been feeling lonely. there have been so many other times in my life when i've been surrounded by people and felt absolutely and totally lost and alone. i'm trying my best to realize that it's still only week 2 and that there’s plenty of time still to meet new people. besides, it took me until second semester at iwu to find a solid group of friends, and the best friendships are the ones that come about randomly anyway. not that I shouldn’t try and go out and meet new people…. I just suppose I shouldn’t be too concerned or obsessed with trying to find a set group just quite yet.
I suppose I’m just really, really excited to see what’s going to happen over the next 2 (or 2 and ¼) years. You see, when I look back and remember what I expected out of given situations or places and realize what it was that I actually received, I realize how much more it usually is. For example: when I first interviewed at Otterbein two summers ago all I was looking for was a fun way to spend my summer and a new camp experience to broaden my horizons, so to say. All I really expected was to enjoy my summer and make some memories. In reality, what I received was so much more than that. I came away from that summer with a renewed love of camp, a desire to go out and explore and do things I’d never done, some of the best friends I’ve ever had and an entire camp family spanning numerous generations. The 50th Anniversary was a great thing for me to go to because it helped me remember and realize all of that. I would have never been able to tell you during that initial interview that I would gain all of that, but I did and it’s an amazing thing. I could probably sit here and dissect every circumstance I’ve ever been in and figure out how much more I got out of them than I would have imagined, but I think I’ll spare us all from that tonight.
All this really goes to say that I have complete faith that this is exactly where I’m supposed to be right now. I have no idea what exactly is in store for me, but I’m pretty sure it’s going to be great. Whatever happens, it’s my hope that my life can be a living example of the lyrics “every blessing you pour out I’ll turn back to praise.” I am fully aware that my life has been full of blessings and they just seem to continue on and on. The least that I can do is give all of that back to the One who gave it all to me in the first place.
Here’s hoping that you all are also able to count your blessings.