Doesn't Remind Me..

Feb 01, 2009 21:44

I'm thinking I've decided to start using LiveJournal again. I'm on here a lot anyways, just without the posting. But I think I've come to a point where I'd like to start the posting thing again. But before I begin actually writing about my currently wacky life, I have to say how sad it makes me sometimes to realize I have lost touch with some people who used to be a big part of my life. The names that pop out right away are Cassandra and Gili. Those girls are a lot of the reason why I'm the person I am today. Yet, I haven't talked to them in a long time. I had periods in my life where I would disappear and reappear months or a year later. Some people it was easy to get back in touch with, like James and Eva. I sometimes feel that I lost my chance at reconnecting with them because it's been so long. Like the day came and passed and I didn't try hard enough. If by some chance that they read this... I know it's been forever and we've all grown up a lot and are in different places in our lives but.. I miss you guys a lot. I do have you on facebook and I get to somewhat see how you are but I just miss you guys. I'd love to talk again.

Anywho, what's been going on with me? Well, I'm in a completely different phase of life now. I'm almost 18 and it feels like it can't come fast enough. Those that know me know that I've been waiting for 18 to come since I was 11 or 12. And now that it's almost here it's like.. very, very slowly creeping up. A couple more months!
I moved out to California for a few months, starting back in July. I wanted a chance to go out there and see how life would be like, seeing as how I've been wanting to move to Los Angeles longer than wanting to turn 18. So I moved in with my Aunt in Manhattan Beach and starting working for her as her photo editor. I also got to be close to Eva, which was super fun. We had fun Sundays of going to the beach and just crazy times. Miniature golf, anyone?
Something strange also happened while I was there. I wasn't looking for anyone to date. I was actually becoming really comfortable and confident with myself and who I was. I actual began to value just being me, with a boy and the need for validation. When they say that love finds you when you stop looking, I believe that now. So all I can should say for now is that I'm in a relationship with someone who I care very deeply about. We're going on six months in 2 days.
I came back to North Carolina in late October. It wasn't exactly by my choice, not entirely. I decided to come back but not that early. My Aunt likes to treat people as though they live to serve her and I was getting tired of it. Plus, living and working together? Not so fun. So I came back and now I'm finishing up school so that when I turn 18 I can move back out to California. And I am DETERMINED to bring Eva with me, and hopefully I won't have to resort to plan b (dragging her by her hair.. love you!).

There's my update in as little of a nutshell as I could put it. So I'll be making a conscious effort to update more. I think I need to. I missed you LJ! And all the wonderful people in it...
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