Nov 14, 2006 10:30
Today's crucifiction brought to you by the letter 't' and sinners like you.
Sunrise and set, it's all the same it seems. Time doesn't have meaning when there's nothing to do to help it pass. It just drags on and on, defined by stupid shit. A smoke or two... ten minutes go by. A bowl or three and for an hour or so, all is well. Before I know it a week has gone by, then a year and so forth. And now I'm down on my luck knowing it's a long way up.
We have one chance to get everything right. My friends, my habits, my family... they mean so much to me... I just don't think that it's right. As life gets longer, awful feels softer. Well it feels pretty soft to me. And if it takes shit to make bliss, then I feel pretty blissfully. If life's not beautiful without the pain, well I'd just rather never ever even see beauty again. We have one chance and if we're lucky we might.
More stuff that makes sense actually soon to come, perhaps.