Jul 21, 2006 19:09
Update. OMG!
Job: Still hate it. Still like the people for the most part. Those I wasn't really that fond of at the beginning are a ton more tolerable now. I think that's mostly due to the fact that I don't really care anymore... not that I ever really did.
Camp is almost upon me. I got all the info in the mail today. Now, I just need to find time in the next week to choreograph 3-5 routines and polish them to look decent with the show while getting my 30+ hours for Camps n' Conferences. Bastards. All in the 80+ degree heat. I hope I get my bonus again...
I'm excited because I get to be at home for well, a day and 1/3 this weekend. It's better than nothing. Stupid me hung around the A-dale last weekend and all my plans crashed and burned. I could have been swimming and visiting, but no... I'm nuts and decided to stay in no man's land.
Wedding #1 this weekend. A cousin, I think. Her great-grandfather and my grandfather were brothers. You do the familial math.
Can't wait till Aug. 11th. SCn'C will be over with. I get to move back into my townhouse. People will start rehabitating campus again. I get to go back to work at DPS. Glorious. I miss all my campus friends. The surprise party I went to lastnight really made me realize how much I do.
On to better and brighter things... I get steak!
Until next time...