I wish i could have quit you, i wish i never missed you

Feb 18, 2006 18:27

Well this is like the second or third weekend .. i think the second .. that i haven't gotten drunk or been to Mike, Matt, and Corey's to party down! I kind of miss the whole party thing, but at the same time I don't ... It's the best thing for me I know, and I know that he will be happy to hear that i didnt get fucked up this weekend.

He is so good like that. He don't cuss often at all unless he is mad, he don't drink alcohol, he's a virgin (how awesome is that), he don't smoke, he's the lead singer of a band, he has a job and pays bills, he's drug free, and he stands up for what he believes - could anyone be any more perfect for me? He is exactly what I need in my life!! We've been .. friends .. talking .. w/e .. for 10 months now, a year in April. I've already changed a lot since he's been in my life and suprisingly I actually like it. I'm sure you all remember a certain asshole that I used to be with .. (and so help me god if you have something to say about calling him an asshole you can kiss my motherfuckin ass b/c YOU DONT KNOW what we went through and YOU DONT KNOW what he was like behind closed doors .. and im not just talking about the cheating .. everyone knew he cheated on me but NO ONE knows about half the shit that went on between us. some of you know some stuff he did and put me through, but no one but him and i know everything) the way that he tried to change me only made me upset and rebellious - to an extent. However with him it's not like that, it's more like I actually do want to do good ...

Anyways ... i guess that I'm goin to go though cuz mom is on her way over with some dinner from Arby's ... we're going to have dinner together ... what a dinner i know right
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