Ripper Street

Jun 14, 2014 01:32

I finished the second season of Ripper Street last night. This BBC America show takes place in Whitechapel six months after the Jack the Ripper killings (hence the name). Its citizens are on edge and jumping at shadows, fearing every death is related to the predator in their midst. In this environment, Detective Inspector Edmund Reid and the police ( Read more... )


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ssilverfish June 14 2014, 11:51:22 UTC
Ooh, I'm intrigued. I'll have to check that out. I've been meaning to watch Fargo, too -- have you watched any of that?

We caught up on Orphan Black! Great fun. It reminds us of Alias in that it's got some solid, escapist asskickery going on, but slips some good dramatic notes in there, too. My one complaint is that Cosima actually believed the patent sequence meant anything at all. A scientist should know how thoroughly debated that's been, and just the claim wouldn't make it so. That left us rolling our eyes.

Are you enjoying season two so far?


pointedview June 15 2014, 01:08:27 UTC
Hey, you! Thanks so much for replying! Before I respond in full, did you read under the spoiler cut? Because that impacts what I'd type. :)

We have recorded Fargo, but have not yet watched it.

Yes! I agree that Orphan Black is a bit reminiscent of Alias in that regard (and of not knowing who's really an ally from week to week).

Cosima is my least favorite clone -- that's not to say that I dislike her per se, but she serves as a plot device / exposition fairy more frequently than the other clones do.

I took slight issue with Donnie's retcon -- he confessed all that at rehab, but not when he was being tortured? -- but overall, I've enjoyed S2. They've maintained a solid pace with the revelations, and I'm quite curious about the Cold River Institute and Michelle Forbes' character's role in all this.

Same question back atcha: how are you liking the second season so far? :) (I know what you posted, but the penultimate episode, "Things Which Have Never Yet Been Done," airs tonight, so I'm really asking in context of that ep.)


wytchcroft June 16 2014, 01:15:00 UTC
i don't know if either of you have seen the BBC series 'London Hospital'?(aka Casualty 1900s)
but Ripper Street strikes me as part way between that and 'Murder Rooms; the dark beginnings of Sherlock Holmes'. both were good shows.


pointedview June 16 2014, 19:41:52 UTC
Thank you for the links! I have not seen either series. Murder Rooms does not appear to be available streaming anywhere, but London Hospital appears to be streaming via both Amazon Prime and Hulu.

Always glad to see the wytchcroft. :)


ssilverfish June 17 2014, 14:11:41 UTC
Ooh, we haven't seen either of those, but I'll put them on my to-watch list. Thank you! :)


ssilverfish June 19 2014, 12:46:05 UTC
I skipped the text behind the cut. :)

Alison was initially my least favorite, but I appreciate her as comic relief now. I agree about Donnie, too. In managing the twists with his loyalties, they weren't totally honest (especially with that torture scene!), but I can mostly forgive it because they amuse me.

I like the performance of the Cosima character, so I haven't minded how they've used her, but you're right -- it is awfully convenient that one of the clones ended up being a scientist who was so well-versed in the issues at hand. Maybe my biggest complaint about her storyline is that I never feel she is truly in peril. I just don't believe they'll let her die, so the scenes of her convulsing on the floor leave me saying, "Ok, what's next..."

Rachel is the one I like least now. BVS = Boring Villain Syndrome.


pointedview June 21 2014, 01:51:23 UTC
I skipped the text behind the cut. :)

Okay, that explains it! I was a little surprised when you said that you were going to go check it out, but that's what made me realize that I put most of the "cons" of the show behind the cut. You don't have to go read the spoilers, I'm not going to ask that, but just so that forewarned is forearmed, be aware that there are some drawbacks, and that my post is not a resounding endorsement of Ripper Street. I just didn't want you coming back to me all, "What on earth did you see in this show ( ... )


ssilverfish June 23 2014, 12:59:42 UTC
Haha! I'd revisit the spoiler cut before judging. ;)

No really, I don't mind imperfect tv, books, etc. It's one way that I learn what works for me as I'm consuming storytelling and think about the work I'm producing myself. Give me flawed character construction, sloppy plotting, and that sort of thing -- it's one way that I learn what works and what doesn't.

I just don't find Rachel very compelling. I'm okay with her not being sympathetic, but I'm just wishing they'd done something more interesting with her. I will be patient though. Maybe more good stuff is coming.

Did you enjoy the finale?


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