"Just one?
I'm a few;
no family, too.
Who am I?"
mumpish encouraged me to watch this; I've just completed all the episodes of this show to date: I don't want to spoil anyone who hasn't seen it, so I'll put the rest of this behind a cut. If you're reading this post via RSS, those viewers don't recognize LiveJournal's cut tag, so be warned that from here on out, there may be spoilers.
So, this show. It pushes the envelope of plausibility at times (Oh, hi, conveniently-cut tree branches to hide the car!), but it's no wonder that Tatiana Maslany was nominated for a Golden Globe: this is one of the most demanding roles I've ever seen anyone play.
I have just a few reactions to the current state of things because I need to go to bed:
- I'm really most curious about Mrs. S. right now.
- I feel bad for Felix: he's been a part of the process every step of the way, and the primary male figure in Kira's life -- I can understand his feelings of displacement.
- I like Cal. I don't want him to be part of this, but I sort of had the feeling that he recognized the name when Sarah mentioned the Dyad Institute. Maybe somehow related to that bit of tech he built for pollination that got taken away and used by the military? Perhaps a connection with Paul's work as a contractor?
- Art mentioned a few episodes ago that he'd known about the Proletheans for a while, so I guess that's how he got out to the cultists' property, but it would've been nice for the show to lay a breadcrumb or two from Point A to Point B.
- Speaking of the Proletheans, I'm assuming that the lethe part of their name refers to the river of forgetfulness in Hades? To what end?
- Rachel may be the HBIC at the moment, but she's no Adelle DeWitt. Oh, Dollhouse, you were so underrated.
- I get the whole twins/Helen of Troy/Leda mythological reference, but I don't yet know where the show is really going with it.
I'm entertained. I don't think it's going to end up in my Top 5 favorites of all time or anything, and Alison can be a little too over the top for my taste, but so far, it's fairly well executed and worth watching for Maslany's performance. Jordan Gavaris is no slouch, either - he's clearly put some effort into that accent!
I don't have any Orphan Black icons yet, but even if I did, there are probably precious few I could associate with posts without being spoilery, so I'll just use my default for now.