Number Nine

Jul 26, 2010 21:12

Today is the ninth anniversary of my LiveJournal. Almost a decade has passed since I typed my first post here (well, okay, I created it on the 26th, but it seems that my first post was at 2:30 am on the 27th ... I can only assume that I was busy selecting a theme).

My sincerest thanks to all of you who read my entries. As a quick snapshot, LiveJournal says that my top ten tags sorted by usage are:

  1. friends/social - 253 uses
  2. husband - 232 uses
  3. food - 214 uses
  4. stress - 199 uses (Most of the posts with this tag seem to occur prior to 2009, and were primarily related to house hunting.)
  5. television - 187 uses
  6. movies - 186 uses
  7. politics/government - 174 uses (I'm surprised it's this high, given that I haven't authored a single post with this tag in 2010.)
  8. housing - 172 uses
  9. love - 168 uses
  10. health - 164 uses

I was 31 when I started this journal. Much has changed during that time.

This LJ predates 9/11 by a few months. We lost the Columbia space shuttle in 2003. US gymnast Paul Hamm came from 12th place to win Olympic gold in 2004. Hurricane Katrina battered New Orleans in 2005. The first black president of the United States was elected in 2008. The US passed a sweeping health care reform bill. The worst oil spill in history occurred this year in the Gulf of Mexico.

Personally, I've changed jobs, cars, housing, appliances, hobbies, dermatologists, phones, and more. I've incorporated social media into my life. I've been to New Orleans, Louisiana; Breckenridge, Colorado; Las Vegas, Nevada; Portland, Oregon; the mountains of North Georgia; Highlands and the Outer Banks of North Carolina; San Francisco, California; and my parents' home in South Carolina.

I haven't seen Vancouver, Alaska, or Scotland. I haven't been on a cruise. I still have journeys ahead of me.

I have a few grey hairs now (nine, I think, which is an interesting coincidence on this anniversary). I've achieved some major life goals at this point, but I'm not done.

Most importantly, I am more in love with my husband than ever. I treasure my family and my friends. In the last nine years, I've had some wonderful wines, wonderful meals, and wonderful times with all of the above, which are now wonderful memories.

I look forward to more: more adventures, more experiences, and more time with all of you.

Here's to the next nine years! I hope to see you then.

7/28 addendum: I meant to thank freakyferret: he deserves full credit for introducing me to LJ. *smiles* He was gone for a while, and I'm very glad that he has returned.

love, livejournal, accomplishments

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