My 2009 in film

Jan 06, 2010 03:10

The Good )

harry potter, movies

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freakyferret January 6 2010, 18:46:54 UTC
Coraline rocked! I loved it ( ... )


pointedview January 12 2010, 17:02:34 UTC
I had intended to respond to this sooner, but I fainted from shock over you being back on LJ. :)

I'm off the floor, now. I am so glad to see you!

You know, it's funny, but I hardly noticed Dr. Manhattan's genitals. In fact, I didn't even think about it until they covered them up in one scene. Like you, I am absolutely pro-equality on that. I guess they did such a good job of conveying how removed the character was from the common concerns of humanity that I just sort of didn't think about the character like that. I know there was that one scene, but that just demonstrated how difficult it was to connect with him mentally and emotionally. Physical interaction might be technically possible, but it seems to me like it would be about as much fun as interacting with a statue like Michelangelo's David on that level, if that makes any sense?

Mysterious Skin, eh? I'll have to make a note of that one.

I'm relieved that I'm not alone -- that there's someone else who didn't think District 9 was all that.

*hug-hug-hug* Again, just so very ( ... )


freakyferret January 14 2010, 01:59:51 UTC
If you want more of Godon-Levitt, is his IMDB page. Everything I've seen him in, I've loved. He is one of those truly under-appreciated actors.

I thought Dr. Manhattan was sexy. :*

*hugglies* right back to you. :D


pointedview January 25 2010, 21:08:19 UTC
I added both Mysterious Skin and Brick to my Netflix queue, based on your recommendation and Jason's. :)


freakyferret January 25 2010, 21:42:14 UTC
I actually have "Brick" now. I just have to find time to watch it.


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