Brokeback Mountain

Jul 11, 2009 18:43

Saw Brokeback Mountain Wednesday night. Sometimes when you see a movie that's had a lot of media attention, it seems like it's more likely to disappoint because it has been so heavily hyped. For me, Brokeback actually exceeded expectations. Heath Ledger's Oscar for The Dark Knight was no fluke: he truly was remarkably talented. I totally bought the character of Ennis del Mar.

The scenery is gorgeous. It was mostly filmed in the Canadian Rockies, and you could capture almost any landscape shot from it as a still and hang it on your wall. The cold light in it reminded me of another film by Ang Lee, The Ice Storm.

Most of all, though, I was moved by the story. No one escaped undamaged. Emotions are messy, and don't fit neatly into little boxes, much as we might like to impose that kind of order on them. I was reminded of how very lucky I am to get to spend every day with the person I love most in the world.

I might have to pick this up on DVD.


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