I'm very late on this, and thanks to Patricia for sharing it (although I think I'd read it before, but guess I didn't have time to blog about it at that point), but I still think it's interesting enough to post:
Red Sex, Blue Sex (Source: The New Yorker)
Of all variables, the age at marriage may be the pivotal difference between red and blue families. The five states with the lowest median age at marriage are Utah, Oklahoma, Idaho, Arkansas, and Kentucky, all red states, while those with the highest are all blue: Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Jersey. The red-state model puts couples at greater risk for divorce; women who marry before their mid-twenties are significantly more likely to divorce than those who marry later. And younger couples are more likely to be contending with two of the biggest stressors on a marriage: financial struggles and the birth of a baby before, or soon after, the wedding.
Seems like the perception of premeditation/planning is a key difference, too.