One for the scrapbook......

Oct 28, 2005 23:21

so tonight me, chelsea, stephanie k, and jessica went and t.p.ed Amanda's house. It would have been SO perfect but her brother had people over too and then he came out so we started running around the block and he came after us in his car and then like followed us back to his house so we could pick it up....i mean come on!

It wasnt even like he had to pick it up, it was for Amanda. I mean if someone was doing that to your younger brother or sister wouldnt you just let them keep doing it??? i would.

O well no matter what happened it was fun and i am glad i got to spend time with some people i havent in a long time.

p.s. we had to walk to amanda's from my house which took us a half-hour and it was freezing out.....I WISH I HAD A CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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