Jun 15, 2006 21:57
Well, I just got back from a three day vacation, so I figured I would fill you guys in on what I have been up to:
Three day vacation in Wisconsin Dells:
Day 1: Noah's Arc and Jet Boats
Day 2: Mt. Olympus
Day 3: Mini-golf and giant swing thingy
Overall I had a fun time.
Also in the life news I recently got hired to a new job. Yup, finally getting out of Northern Crossarms and getting a job at Fedex. Its a nighttime package handler from 4-8 am, but its better than the beating I took at NC. I'll fill you guys in how it goes when I actually start.
Well, thats a brief and short description of my current life. Tune in next time to see how the new job is going and see if I did get really sun burned from being outside for three days.