Whelp. Here we is again....
This last week has been busy, but mostly as a test of my systems. I now know that I can get through a week where everything needs doing, a couple of shifts of work and survive. My least active day was my most tiring, so either I need to move to get the juices pumping, or admin is more draining than lifting big boxes of paper.
In response to this, I have started applying for work. Mostly I'm looking for two half shifts or one full day a week, doing menial labour or office work. I don't think I'm up to customer service yet.
Now for some links to things I thought were cool or funny.
First, the art of Onfim, a small boy from the Middle Ages, proving that small boys really haven't changed that much.
http://slavic.freeservers.com/onfim.html Then, a thing to help you choose a typeface for your Magnificent Octopus, whatever it might be:
http://inspirationlab.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/times.jpg Hope your days are going well,