I used
w.bloggar for most of my blogging, both with LiveJournal and with my
blog . My blog consisted of public postings, mostly technical knowledge gleaned from search engines that I wanted to save, as well as documents I'd written, like a Nortel cheat sheet and the LOMO LC-A camera FAQ.
Livejournal was saved for posting more personal items, akin to a traditional journal - documenting personal struggles I went through in the mid to late 2000s. It's nice to see how far I've come since then, looking back on some of the entries. Bittersweet in some ways, as some things I'd hoped hadn't turned out the way I'd hoped, and issues with parents aging and dying hadn't been in my mind at all back then - but are at the forefront now.
Ironic that I'm listening to my BBS's shoutcast station, listening to a stream I've run pretty much non-stop since then.
NP: Air, Russ Gabriel