Tue 1 Oct 24 19:47
I had a late sleep, which finally began at midnight. I awoke nearly ten to seven, which ended the trip to the gym. Because of the days, I used the vehicle to go to Acme.
The days are having highs around room temperature. I have moved to cleaning the southern bedroom, starting with cleaning and putting down the storm windows.
Wed 2 Oct 24 19:15
The Veep debate seems to have done little to the upcoming election. Meanwhile Jack Smith has submitted a redacted indictment, which has gone public.
I slept some six hours before arising at 5:30. I walked to the gym for 7 AM, which is becoming dark again. It’s almost a year since I began walking to the gym regularly.
I continued my transcription of Arrogant Agriculturalist. This second mystery needed less editing than I’d expected.
Thu 3 Oct 24 19:12
Today began the usual walk to the gym by 6 AM, because of a long meanwake from 2:20 AM. I’ll need the vehicle tomorrow for groceries.
Cleaning the kitchen and the storm windows took most of the afternoon. At this rate, I should have the upstairs done by this time next week.
I finished transcribing Arrogant Agriculturalist. The scenes lack appearance.
Sat 5 Oct 74 9:13 Matthew J Wilson born
It’s starting to become busy at Zollinger Harned. The recession that’s supposed to come hasn’t shown here yet. Of course, I’m here only partime.
The top ten all moved up one, ousting Andy Kim’s “Rock Me Gently” down to twelfth: Olivia Newton-John's “I Honestly Love You”, Billy Preston’s “Nothing from Nothing”, Dione Warwick and the Spinners’ “Then Came You”, First Class’s “Beach Baby”, and Stevie Wonder’s “You Haven’t Done Nothin”. The lower five are Guess Who’s “Clap for the Wolfman”, Cat Stevens’s “Another Saturday Night”, Johnny Bristol’s “Hang On in There, Baby”, Lynryd Skynryd’s “Sweet Home Alabama”, and Cheech and Chong’s “Earache My Eye”.