Mar 25, 2006 23:26
A few of us watched a movie tonight...
2 out of the 4 of us seemed to think that most of what was said in the movie was simply people under the influence of something...whether it be acid, pot or pick your drug...rambling on about life.
This Angers me. To the extreme.
To think that people can not have a philosophical conversation about life, who we are, the concept of time and dreams without being as high as a kite is purely limiting!!! To think th at we can only reach these states, these conversations or ideas by taking some drug is simply putting down the human race as a whole. It's agreeing to live within life's confines because it is essentially saying that the only way you can reach a point of zen or higher knowledge is through some outside "help."
Why does it have to be that way? Why are people who automatically talk a certain way immediately deemed "stoned" or "lunies" without any further thought.
Now maybe I feel this way because I've never done drugs before...I've been drunk a total of like 2 or 3 times in my entire 19 years of life. So maybe if I got high one day, on whatever, maybe I'd feel like I could reach a higher plane of thought, or a deeper plane of thought. I feel though, that now without anything, I am doing a damn fine job On My Own - without ANY help, just from pure conversation alone.
Aaron believes that the mind has certain... inhibitions or things it doesn't want to think about and that taking drugs will help bring down that guard so you can see/think/feel beyond. But even he, who has been in both states, believes that you can achieve something similar when sober. True, you may have to train you self, medatate or something but it is possible over time.
I feel that people who feel they need some sort of assistance to reach their highest mental plane aren't trying enough and need to re-evaluate something. Maybe spend an entire day doing like 20 things that you would never normally do and write down at the end of each activity how you are feeling and then at the end of the whole day write down how you feel at that finished moment. Don't limit yourself.
It honestly just angers me - a lot. Can you tell ?