OPEN / closed
you can apply here to be a maker!
please fill out the form below to apply, and try not to leave any blank!
it will usually take me 2-3 days to reply to your application, so don't get impatient or discouraged!
and please don't be offended if i say no! you can always apply once a month :)
don't apply more than once a month, there's really no time for improvement.
have fun with it! :)
also, comments will be screened!
Experience: (how many years you've been making graphics)
Places: (where else do you post your graphics, i'd prefer only one or two other places)
Icons: (10-15)
Headers: (4-5 and if you don't make them, 5 more icons)
Why: (why did you apply here? :) )
if accepted;
tags: please make your tags like this:
!maker: your username here
kind: icon, header, whatever you made
like that! you get the drift ;)
make your post members only after two days, if it isn't when you post it. if after two days, it is still not, i will comment on the post telling you to please make it members only :)
and please, put all icons except teasers behind a cut! you can have 2-3 teasers :)
don't post 5-10 icons in a batch, the more the better!
thank you and have fun! :)