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Apr 11, 2005 20:23

It seems as though I'm getting really bad at updating! Lets see... went home thursday and got a new car. I ended up with a 2002 Grand Am and my mom got a 2003 Aztek. I really like it.... and I love being able to get almost a full tank with $20. Friday I had to go over to to my aunts house to dig out some summer clothes. Then Hollie and I went to the mall and got stalked by some black bitches. After that Terra and Aly came over. We each did a shot of vodka and then one of malibu and then went and played cards for like 45 minutes. Then terra gets up and pours more shots of Vodka...Aly and I did ours and then we look over at Terra and she has her head down on the table, she sits up and burps, and pukes all over the place.... it was sooo disgusting and yet so priceless. I think Aly and I laughed/gagged for about an hour. Then my mom got home with the blender and we made pina coladas. Saturday was crazy busy. We had to get a new computer and shop for about 30,000 other things all before 5:30. We had an "adult shower" for my cousin who is getting married. It's like a couples thing... I wasn't sure who to take so I took Chas... my family is in love with the kid. My mom asks me every 5 minutes when she gets to see him again... so I told her I would just give her his number and they could hang out. My mom was soooooooooooooooooooo wasted... it was hilarious. We were all sitting in the living room playing this game and my mom was really quiet for about five minutes and I was like oh god shes probably gonna pass out and the next thing I know Chas cracks a joke and my mom is like OOOOO I LIKE HIM WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN KEEPING HIM?!?!?!?! and she runs over and hugs him....what a nut. Chas and I left about 10:30 ish and went back to my house and then Terra, Aly, and Eric came over. We just sat around and drank and smoked cigars... it was good fun. Terra and Aly fell asleep in the basement, Eric fell asleep at one end of the couch and Chas and I fell asleep at the other... but we didn't have enough blankets so we finally got up and went in my room. We weren't tired so we just beat each other up all night. Then we got up and he bought me food and then left. Sunday I hooked up the new computer and then went over to my grandmas and then to my dad's. I went to bed really early because I was beat and then Chas came over and woke me up about 9 to give me his money for Dane Cook. I probably wouldn't have gotten up if he wouldn't have got there considering that I was supposed to be up at 8. My mom and Ken are going to be in Florida for the week. So I get peace and quiet this weekend. Tomorrow is Dane Cook and I'm so excited I could pee....Kim and Chas are coming up!!! Friday I'm going to eastern and saturday is my cousins Bachlorettte party... other than that the week should prove to be quite uneventful.
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