I'm kinda bored and other stuff so i don't know what to do right now but i do know that i will do whatever it is without actually doing it and i'm so bored monkey are stealing my uncle with blue speckled bit around the edgs. and i should prob. try and figure out what it is i'm typing b/c i have no idea.
Ok, here's what's going on (haha apostraphe....but that would make this comented b/c it doens't un-coment b/c it's borringly lame and lama looks like lame b/c it consanet voul consanet voul with elllls and wow, leapord print EVERYWHERE.) I kinda 'forgot' to take my sleep meds. tonight, so i'm kidna bored and tired but spazzing and not sleeping, so im in another one of those really weird moods yiou get when your brain and your body go *creak* *split* *snap* *crackle* *plop* and they stop talking to eachother b/c they are self-centered bastards who will mindlessly believe anything they hear in order to wickedly assult the innocent with no remourse. all b/c some moron decided humans should have stupid survival traits built in that makes them enjoy feeligns of importance, power, and security. whenever i find that guy i'm gonna give him a firm talking to. or just skip that and nuke the human race. but i don't really feel like mass-murder and some people do show common sense, a large number when they arn't being brain washed by propoganda and frellit i completely went stray there. i'm not sure where i am but a new paragraph seems in order
there we go *look up* ok, maybe a bit more
yay, away from the scarry words. anyways, i feel bad, b/c i wasted a bunch of food tonight. T_T i was hungry, and wanted peanut butter, but i thought i might as well use up what was left of the tortillas and rice b/c there was some left over from dinner, so i rolled up a bunch of peanutbutter, rice, and chicken breast into a tortilla(forget why i thought that was a good idea) and it ended up being to thick to fit in my mouth -_-;; and when i finaly got a couple bites i learned this important lesson:
Tortilla + Peanutbutter + chiken + rice = X.X <
so bleh. now it's sitting in the refigerator and someone's gonna be giving me weird looks tomorow -_-;;
Ok, i think i've gotten a bit of a hold on my mind somehow, so, onto recent events: I made $70 in the past week after a full ONE HOUR of work, so yay! and more people know about me, which is always a good thing. (for those of you who are clueless, i'm a juggler, i juggle, people pay me to juggle for them :) yea) but now i kidna want to learn a bit of magic too but o well.
The justy. yes, my Uncle gave jennifer and I a '199'.rand(1,5)/*b/c i really have no freaking clue what the exact year is, just that it's older than 95 but not as old as us*/.'Suberu Justy' (spelling?) for our b-day present. we won't be able to drive it until they get new plates for it (they live in one of those northern states, not nc) and then we have to learn to drive stick b/c it's manual. but that should be fun.nuf gah, i just realized why that drives me crazy, fgf isn't symetrical! and i'm giong to scream! p.q is closer to symetrical, b.d SHOULD be smyetrical, BUT NONE OF THEM REALLY ARE. and it makes me spazz. ok, just to sort something out:
(YOU) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (>.< ) <-- EVIL LASER VISION!!
frell it, now i'm more awake then ever. i guess your lord and master doesn't get any sleep tonight. pitty him. PITTY LIKE YOU'VE NEVER PITTIED BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry, i need to do something. that doens't envolve abosorbant-pasta.
last time i stayed up really late i made a giant (6ft diam. 3ft high) dome out of spagetti noodles. but when it all abosorbed moisture and got flexible and collapsed before i could make it any bigger T_T so that explains the absorbant pasta referance but i'm kidna mad at my mom, b/c she's not going to let me put my chess board that i've wanted to build since the 8th grade (if any of you remember me starring at the ceiling a bunch? ben, i think your the only one who might, yae, i was using the tiles to plan out my chess board) on the dinning room table. if i make it as small as possible, i think it'd be 3.5 ft wide, and 5 ft long (and not that it matters, about 3.5 ft high), which *gasp* what a conincidence, is the EXACT size of the dinning room table, and the only place out of the weather big enought to keep it safely. b/c im' guessing it would take at least a couple months to finish a game. but yea, pretty soon i'll finaly have enough money for the insanely large number of pieces it will take to play it.
ummmmmmmmetey teyt yeti, yea, i really don't know if the yeti exists or not, i'm still leaving it up in the air b/c i havn't seen any proof it doens't. then again, i'm the guy with the hyper-intellegent-cattle thing. leme explain that - it's a combination of my 2 favorit authors from a while ago. the cattle was from whoever wrote the 'magik' series with the magician named skiieve (spellign) (btw, my favoirt character of all tiems is in that series. he's the dragon, who's name is Gleep), anyways, one of his books starred vamipre-cattle, and the whole cattle thing freeked me out for a while and got my attention and yea. and the hyper intellegent was from douglas adam's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy b/c when they where making the 1st uberly weird ship with the infinity drive, there was a hyper intellegent shade of blue (or something along those lines) from a higher demension. and i thought that was funny. so there it is, hyper intellegent cattle.
o, btw, the whole spagetti thing i did so that i could calculate the volume of the dome. no i'm not a loser. i'm just curious and am happy b/c trigonometry has answered a bunch of questions i've had about mathematics for a very long time.
? i'll give a dollar to whoever tells me in person where that little symbol came from, and why it is what it is, and can show me where they got the info.
and for some reason all the land before time movies are running through my head.
...for some reason i've got the feeling that if it weren't for this line, 75% of the comments would have been roughly on the liens of "omg! i <3 land before time!"