Hi, pohtaytohs here! Last update, Brick got a makeover that made him look and act like a stoner because his sweatshirt was made of hemp. When I sent him and Strawberry out on the town, not much happened. All they really did was piss off Craig, and Strawberry snatched a first kiss from Lauren the bartender...then got a major boner-kill when he realized that she had once had a love affair with his aunt Genesis. Back at home while Strawberry sulked, Kathleen finished her second novel entitled Fuck Prostitutes which caused Chris to do some sulking of her own. Later Vivian was invited over, and she took a liking to Strawberry. ;] Count Jeff randomly showed up at the house after being absent for the past three or so updates and tried to bite everybody. Chris fulfilled her LTW, and Orenji got a new job as an architect. Why? Because he wanted to design penis-shaped buildings, duh. Maroon grew up into a gorgeous teenager, and I began to notice some differences between her and her father. I sent her downtown where she decided she liked Craig. Unsurprisingly, he wasn't terribly into that...until Count Mitch bit him and turned him into a vampire, of course! Much to my delight, the two got to talking and began to make some progress together. Meanwhile, Kath, being influenced by certain people who decided to traipse around in their underwear (*cough*Scarlet and Strawberry*cough*), completed her third novel: Fuck Improperly Dressed Grandchildren. Not much later Akai and Scarlet were sent off to college! ...Akai never grew an upper lip, sadly. T^T Kii and Maroon went on a night out together, which was going pretty well until Maroon invited Craig along and got all lovey-dovey with him, leaving her poor grandpa all alone and pissed. Chris got started on her next LTW, and Kathleen sold yet another book, called Fuck Adulterers. I focused my attention back on Strawberry and Vivian's budding relationship only to realize that Vivian was a smothering creep. When we last left off, I was kind of stumped on how to handle that as they had just fallen in love with each other. >=|
Maroon: Wow! =D You're here?!
Uh, yeah...what's the big deal?
Maroon: Well, we were just surprised that you hadn't abandoned us for months at a time again! Man, this is really something! Hey, guys, she's back!
Geez, remind me never to leave you guys alone for too long ever again. I don't want any of you getting all clingy on me... =|
Kii: *whisper* Thank god you're back. Everyone's been really...creepy while you were gone.
Kii, you guys are always creepy. How's this any different?
Kii: Everyone's been acting like I'm about to keel over and die. Just watch. */whisper* Hey, son! How's it going?
Orenji: 8D ...I love and appreciate you, Daddy. With every aching fiber of my being. <3
Oh, Orenji's just kind of a dipwad. I'm sure it doesn't mean anything.
Kii: Oh, really? Well, just watch this.
Kii: Hey, Kath! How's it going?
Kathleen: 8D ...I love and appreciate you, Kii. I just wanted you to know that.
Kii: You see?!
Hmmm, you're right. This might be turning into a problem.
Kii: Eh, as long as it gets me nookie I'm fine with it.
Kathleen: *giggle* Nookie's fun.
Brick: Hey, I love and appreciate you too, Grandpa! Seriously, I really trust you, man. Like for instance, I am reeeeeeaaaaaaalllllly baked right now and getting a huge case of the munchies. Wanna go to White Castle with me and get some milkshakes, maaaaaaaan?
Kii: Ew, get away from me, you dopehead! You smell nasty! When's the last time you showered?
Brick: When's the last time we went to White Castle, maaaaaan?
Kathleen: Oh, don't worry about it, honey. Every teen ends up smoking the reefer once or twice.
Wow, since when has Kath become the cool grandma? o_o
Kii: But I don't think he's just done it once or twice, sweetie...
Kathleen: ...=3 I love and appreciate you, Kii.
Kii: UGH.
Well, at least he finally got some of that nookie he wanted. Poor guy, he's been celibate ever since Akai walked in on them as a kid.
Kii: YES! I will beat this high score with the power of nookie!
Why do you guys keep calling it that? Just say sex.
Kii: No! Nookie sounds better!
Yeah, it really doesn't...
Orenji: Son, I'm your father. You can tell me anything.
Strawberry: 'Kay. Good to know.
Orenji: Sooo...kissed anyone yet?
Strawberry: *sigh* I should've known you were gonna start being nosy sooner or later. But yeah, I have.
Orenji: Oooh, you have?! ;D Who?
Strawberry: Dad, I think youu should be bothering Maroon about this, too. After all, she's got a guy of her own now! Right, Maroon?
Maroon: *choke* Seriously? You're just gonna drag me down with you like that? Fuck you, Strawberry.
Orenji: *gasp* You're dating someone? Already? Who?!
Orenji, you're acting like a gossipy old woman. Stop it.
Strawberry: No, he's just doing his fatherly duty! So, who are you dating, Maroon? We are ever so curious! XD
Maroon: *grumble*Craig Ternynck*grumble* >=|
Orenji: Ewwww, him?! That little douche?! Oh, sweetie, nobody likes that creep!
Strawberry: Yeah, Maroon! Nobody!
Maroon: You set this up, didn't you, you jerk? And I like him, Dad.
Orenji: That's just because you haven't played the field yet, dear! See, you've gotta meet other people before you make a decision on someone, otherwise you won't be certain whether you really like them or not! Take me, for example. When I was your age, I had a huge crush on this guy named Adonis---
Strawberry: Wait, Dad, you were gay?
Orenji: ._. Oh, would you look at that! Time for me to go to work! Dick-shaped buildings can't design themselves, you know.
Maroon: Oh, so that's why you like making penis skyscrapers! Everything makes so much more sense now!
Orenji: HEY! Don't put words in my mouth! I never said that was why!
Strawberry: ...Put what in your mouth? XD
Orenji: UGH, you guys suck! I'm leaving!
Brick: Suck what, man?
Maroon: Lol, that was awesome. He got so pissed.
Strawberry: Yeah, we really got creative by the end of it. Good work, gang! Teamwork rocks!
Maroon: Wow, you sound like an afterschool special...
Strawberry: Shut up. ...Oh, and was that a bald spot I spied in your hair earlier?
Maroon: ...Shut up.
Orenji: Stupid no-good kids, making me doubt my current sexuality... Well, at least I'm all alone now. *farty fart fart* Mmm, nothin' like the smell of a man's own scent!
Kathleen: Ugh, Orenji! How old are you?!
Ha, guess you weren't all alone after all! XD Serves you right for being nasty!
Chris: Mornin', sunshine! How's my favorite glorious ass doing?
Orenji: Uhh, Chris, you might not wanna do that---
Chris: *grabbie* Why not?
Orenji: O______O ...Oh, never mind.
Well, at least these two aren't gross together at the moment. I swear, they must know that Kii's nearing the end (*sob*) since they keep being so sweet with each other.
Kii: I'm what now?
Strawberry: Hiiiiiii, Mr. Maid!
Carl the manmaid: Hiiiii, half-naked underage teen boy!
Chris: *sniff* Ew, my hands smell bad.
Orenji: *whistles nonchalantly*
Aww, look who's back to visit! It's Scarlet and Akai!
Scarlet: I hate you.
Wha...? What was that for?!
Scarlet: Do you have any idea how horny we are waiting for you to get back and play us?! I haven't so much as kissed a guy in weeks!
Akai: Yep. She's been bitching about it nonstop. >.<
Well, sorry. You guys'll have to wait until the boys plus Maroon are old enough so I can play you all together.
Scarlet: But I NEED nookie!
Scarlet: Mommy, Simgod won't let me get any nookie! *pouts*
Chris: Scarlet, you're a beautiful girl. I'm sure when it's time for her to start playing with you in college, boys will be lined up from all the way across the street to have nookie with you!
Sex, people. It's called sex. Quit calling it nookie before I punch somebody.
Scarlet: Hi, Daddy! ^w^ ..Oh, hi, Strawberry. Nice to see you're playing video games again instead of getting laid.
Strawberry: Meh. It's not like you are, either. Can't say I'm terribly surprised. Not many guys can get turned on by girls with dandruff problems, Chinny Chin Chin.
Scarlet: Huh?! I don't have a dandruff problem! You're so full of crap, Placenta!
Orenji: Geez, what is with you two?! ...And what's that weird noise coming from the bathroom? Brick isn't rolling doobies in there again, is he?
That would be a no.
Kii: OMG, the pirates fired a cannonball into my ship! I'm sinking! Oh no, I'm gonna drown! WAAAGH!
Kii, please never make that face again. I'm pretty sure it's your o-face a black hole that's going to suck up the entire simmiverse.
Scarlet: Mommy, I don't have dandruff, do I?
Chris: Of course not. Who told you th---oh, wait a minute. I think I found some. Wow, there's kind of a lot...
Scarlet: What?! Nooo!
Maroon: Bahaha, Scarlet has dandruff!
Kii: It's okay, honey. Everyone gets dandruff sometimes. I still love you even if you have it.
Scarlet: Aww, thanks, Grandpa. I love and appreciate you, too.
Kii: *sigh* Not again...
Chris: We all love and appreciate you, Kii. *huggles* In fact, you're one of my very best friends.
Kii: Sweet, now I can say I'm friends with a prostitute! =D
Maroon: Ha, Dad, guess what! Scarlet has dandruff! Gross, huh?
Scarlet: Maroooooooon! Don't tell everyone! >=[
Maroon: Oh, I'm just teasing you. I don't care that you have dandruff.
Scarlet: Thanks. I don't care that you have a bald spot, either.
Maroon: Why does everyone keep saying that? Do I really have one?
Kii: Lol, just look at her! It's like someone spread Nair on that one strip of her head---
Orenji: Dude, shut up! She'll hear us! *snicker*
You know what, Strawberry? Vivian's just flat-out terrible for you. She always has to know where you are, she orders you around, she yells at you...I think it's time for you to play the field like your dad was talking about earlier.
Strawberry: Sounds good to me! Hey, Alice, I'd like to order one female, please!
Wait, seriously? Wow, that was easy. I was expecting a lot more whining and gnashing of the teeth from you on this.
Strawberry: What, do you think I'm stupid or something? It's obvious that Vivian's bad for me. Plus, the Romance sim in me has no objections whatsoever to playing the field a little bit... ;]
Awesome! Well, let's get this show on the road! Give him a female, Alice!
Alice the matchmaker: I heard him the first time. >=|
Aw, crap, it's
rikkulidea's Tethys Randolph. Well, let's try again. How about a non-
pixel_trade one this time, Alice? Oh, and preferably with extra freckles.
Alice the matchmaker: For god's sake, I'm not a waitress.
Strawberry: Wait, hold that thought! I hear the phone! It must be Vivian with her nightly check-up call!
Nightly check-up call? What the hell is that?
Strawberry: Oh, it's when she calls me to make sure I'm not staying up too late so I'll be able to pay attention in school the next day. ...Also, she makes sure that I'm not seeing other girls by threatening to castrate me if I do.
o_o Good god, it's worse than I thought. You've gotta end things now, okay? When you pick up the phone, man up and tell her you're never going to see her again, alright?
Strawberry: Gotcha!
Strawberry: Oh, hello there, Vivian. Look, I have something important to say, and you better damn well listen.
So far so good! =3
Strawberry: You and I are ov---huh? Ooh, you wanna go out to dinner with me tonight? =D
Strawberry, she's just trying to get back on your good side! Focus!
Strawberry: Right, right. Sorry. No, I don't want to eat out with you! In fact, I never want to see you ag---Ooh, Applebee's, you say? *drool*
Strawberry, don't get sucked in! Resist the mouth-watering allure of Applebee's!
Strawberry: It's a date!
Strawberry: Hee, I'm going to Applebeeeeeeeeee's! *victory dance*
Yeah, but at what price?
Chris: Wow, that kid sure is whipped. XD
Kii: He kind of reminds me of you and Orenji when you were kids...
Kath finished her fourth novel, everyone! It's called Fuck Aging. =[ Yeah, not as funny as the others...
Scarlet: Grandma, may I make a request? How about you make one called Fuck Dandruff?
Kathleen: Um, no.
Strawberry: Hey, this isn't Applebee's! D=
Vivian the stylish cop: Of course not, cutie! I'm a cop, do you have any idea how much I make? I can't afford Applebee's! I just said that so I'd get you out here! ^_^
Strawberry: That little LIAR! I WANT APPLEBEE'S! Oh, that's okay...as long as we're together, right? *weak-ass laugh*
See, Strawberry? No Applebee's. Break it off now.
Strawberry: Alright, alright...
Strawberry: Vivian, we need to t---hey, that's a yummy looking drink. Can I have one?
Vivian the stylish cop: Did you not hear what I just told you? I don't make a lot of money. We can only afford drinks for one of us tonight. Since I was the one who invited you here, I figured I should get it.
Strawberry: Aww, but---
Vivian the stylish cop: Also, I don't want to contribute to your recent bed-wetting problem...
Bed-wetting problem?
Strawberry: That bitch! I told her that in confidentiality! Plus, the only reason I've been having little "accidents" lately is because I've been dreaming about HER...
All the more reason to end this, Strawberry. All the more reason.
Strawberry: Vivian, I don't think this is gonna w---
Vivian the stylish cop: Oh, I almost forgot! Have you finished reading that book for your English class yet?
Strawberry: ...How do you know I have to read a book for my English class? o_o
Vivian the stylish cop: Why, I just called your teacher, silly! Of course, I had to lie and say I was your mom to get her to tell me, but...
Vivian the stylish cop: You know what? It's getting pretty close to your bedtime. Let's just skip the dinner and start heading home.
Strawberry: But I'm hungry---
Vivian the stylish cop: *cradles* Shhh, my child. You get so cranky when you're sleepy.
Strawberry: No, I get cranky when you fucking strangle me! *choke*
Vivian the stylish cop: Oh, alright, Mr. Naughty Head. We can watch one TV show before we go.
Vivian the stylish cop: Hula skirts? Coconut bras? Ah, no no no... This is much too inappropriate for you, Strawberry. I think it's time we go home.
Henry: She's got you whipped boy.
Strawberry: Yeah, I know. >.<
Vivian the stylish cop: See you later, sweetie! *smoochie* Are you sure you can get home alright by yourself?
Strawberry: Oh yeah, definitely! With your creepy love infused into my heart, there's nothing I can can't do!
Vivian the stylish cop: Awww... >w< I'll see you tomorrow, my sugar plum!
You're not actually going home, are you.
Strawberry: Nope. *snicker*
Sweet, we're gonna find you an awesome new girlfri---awww crap it's
simmericangirl's Shyla Payton. Well, let's just try again until we get someone eligible!
*sigh* Nope. It's
daxxysims' Elza Coruptm. Third time's the charm, right?
Ah, nope. It's
rikkulidea's Viola McCarthy. -_-
Well, since the dance hobby lot is the place where your mom first met Vivian, maybe there'll be other cuties here!
Strawberry: I hope so...
Let's see who we've got here...ooh, there's Noelle! She's cute! =D
...And Vivian. Crap. (And Chris, too, oddly enough. I guess there weren't enough townies with Music & Dance enthusiasm...)
Vivian the stylish cop: Wait, what are you two doing back? Strawberry's supposed to be at home sleeping right now! >=|
Vivian the stylish cop: Why, that little brat's cheating on me, isn't he?! Well, time to get out the garden shears. I told you what would happen if you ever did this, Strawberry!
Strawberry: EEP!
Chris: Hey, let's not jump to conclusions here! Strawberry's a good boy. He'd never cheat on anyone,
unlike his father... Hey, we've been over this! That was all Brenda's fault!
Vivian the stylish cop: Okay, I trust you. Friends don't lie to friends, after all.
Chris: We're friends? Okay then...
Noelle the dance hobby chick: Wait, what just happened here? Was she just about to castrate a young boy?!
Chris: Yeah, my son. -_- It's kind of a long story...
Noelle the dance hobby chick: What a terrible human being! Good god!
Ooh, hear that, Strawberry? She thinks it's a crime to castrate people. Sounds like a keeper! ;D
Strawberry: Well, considering my crazy girlfriend's still present...no thanks!
Vivian the stylish cop: Whaaat?! I'm on the police force! I fight crimes, not commit them! How dare you! *sob*
Noelle the dance hobby chick: I stand by my statement. You can't make me take it back!
Vivian the stylish cop: Like hell I can't!
Chris: Woo! Catfight!
Strawberry: Mom, shouldn't we try to break them up or something? That's an awful lot of dust there; won't they get hurt? o.O
Chris: Oh, calm down. Your father and I have been in plenty of these. The only thing that got broken was his pride.
Strawberry: Oh. Okay then.
Noelle the dance hobby chick: OW! My pride!
Vivian the stylish cop: Ha, take that! You just remember this the next time you try to take away my right to castrate unfaithful boyfriends!
Strawberry: Oh god, I'm gonna die...
Chris: Oh, don't worry, sweetie. At the worst you'll just be a eunuch.
Strawberry: That doesn't make me feel any better.
Ooh, look, Kath's here too! Come on out and defend your grandson's masculinity!
Kathleen: Can't. I'm refining my ~jazz skills~.
But then the game crashed, so Strawberry was saved and none of that ever happened! The end! =D
Strawberry: Hmmm, for some reason I feel like I've been deprived of a hot girl fight...
Oh, I realized that last update I only showed Maroon's teen outfit from the chest up, so it didn't look like she was even wearing red. Don't worry; even though her boobie-licious shirt might not fit the generation, her shorts do!
Brick: To answer your earlier question, Maroon, yes, I am, in fact, stoned. Man.
Maroon: I never asked you that. I just sat down here because you started mumbling to yourself and I wanted to make sure you were okay.
Brick: ...Like I said, man, I'm stoned.
Looks like Orenji and Chris got their new career rewards! It's not like any of these will ever be used as much as the pinball machine, though...
Orenji: Heyyyy, son! What's shakin'?
Strawberry: Oh, I'm just trying to find a non-crazy girlfriend.
Orenji: Thank god you're finally getting rid of Vivian. I always knew you were a smart boy.
Strawberry: Oh, I'm not getting rid of her. I kind of want to keep my balls. I'm just gonna string her along while I see other people.
Orenji: I'm not sure if that's such a good idea... =/
Oh, shush. He'll be fine, I hope.
Strawberry: Y'know what, Alice? Let's mix things up a little bit. How about you give me a guy this time?
Alice the matchmaker: Really? o_o I can't really see you dating another man. Now, your father, on the other hand...
Orenji: Hey, I heard that!
No worries, it's just something he's trying. I figured that since the only girls he's getting are ineligible, maybe with a guy it would be different.
Yup, that didn't really make a difference; it's
rikkulidea's Link Laurince. I swear, maybe I should start up a
pixel_tradelegacy soon just so I can get rid of some of these guys...
I've given up using the matchmaker with Strawberry. I think his plan now is just to get super sexy and wait till he sees someone pretty downtown.
Strawberry: Damn straight! Look at these guns!
Yeah, I don't think the guns are what's gonna make you a chick magnet, Strawberry. Mmmm, glorious pinball-playing ass...
Time: 5:50 PM
Kii: My darling, I've enjoyed the time we've spent together. But I have a feeling it's time for me to go soon.
Kathleen: *sigh* I know. At least we can be together like this one last time. I really do love and appreciate you, Kii. I wasn't just saying that to bother you; I really mean it.
Kii: I know. I love and appreciate you, too. Even more than porn.
Kathleen: *gasp* That's a lot!
Time 5:55 PM
Kii: And you. I want to tell you something, too.
Wait, me?
Kii: Yeah. Despite all the crap you've put me through---
The crap I've put you through? I think you've got that backwards, bud.
Kii: No, but seriously. Despite all of that, you were really an awesome simgod. I just wanted to tell you that before...
Before...? Oh god, no! DX Don't tell me it's time! I don't want you to die, Kii!
Kii: It's inevitable. It'll be time for me to take my leave from this earth in five...four...three...
Kii: Two...
Kii: One.
Time: 6:00 PM
Waaaaaaaaaaah, no! ...Wait a minute, why is nothing happening? Why aren't you dead?
Kii: Pfffffffffffft, PSYCHE! XD
Kathleen: Yessss! We got her good!
...Are you serious right now? Did you really just fool me into thinking you were about to die? What the hell, Kii?! Not cool!
Kii: Oh, you're just pissed because I tricked you.
No, I'm pissed because I got all sad for nothing! You're my founder, for god's sake!
Kathleen: That was fucking hilarious...
Maroon: Well, would you look at that! The Caller ID says Vivian's calling for you. Maybe I should tell her what you were up to today, going out with that Link dude...
Strawberry: You better not or I'll tickle you until you pee your pants. >=[
Maroon: Ha, okay, okay. You win this time.
I can't believe you said yes again. -_- Just stop going places with her and maybe she'll finally lose interest!
Strawberry: Look, it's not that easy.
Did she promise you Applebee's again?
Strawberry: ...I'm not going to answer th---OHHHHH CRAP. CRAP CRAP CRAP.
What? She doesn't have any sharp objects with her, does she?
Strawberry: No, I just...I shouldn't be here. We've gotta leave. NOW.
What's wrong??
...Oh. This could be a problem. If Lauren sees Vivian, she'll be all sad and ask why you haven't called her. And if Vivian sees her, well...say goodbye to having testicles.
Strawberry: Yes, I know that! That's why I want to LEAVE!
Look, calm down and just quickly call a cab. As long as you don't go inside, everything should be fine.
Strawberry: Okay, right. Everything's gonna be fine. I've just gotta keep my hands from shaking so I can actually dial this damn thing.
Vivian the stylish cop: Ooh, good idea, Stawberry! Let's skip dinner and go straight to a hotel. I'm ready if you are, babe. ;D *air humps*
Strawberry: Oh, crap, she's probably into S&M or something... Do you like shopping? I like shopping!
Vivian the stylish cop: But---
Strawberry: Well, I guess it's settled, then! We're going shopping! *hyperventilates*
And sure enough...
Strawberry: Ooh, who's that?
Oh, it's Lydia! She's cute, and much more importantly, not psycho! Want me to set something up between you two?
Strawberry: Mmm, I dunno. I don't think that'd be safe.
Vivian the stylish cop: Hmmmmmm. *narrows eyes*
Lydia: Uh, why are you staring at me? Do you need something? =|
Vivian the stylish cop: You think you're soooo great, don't you. You better stay away from him.
Lydia: Who? And you better not be telling me what to do...
Strawberry: Oh, Vivian, be nice! Sorry about that, miss. That's just my girlfriend over there. Name's Niji. Strawberry Niji.
Oh, lord. Don't start with your James Bond routine...
Lydia: Niji? Whoa, I think I know your grandma! I used to have a really fun time
pissing her off! Strawberry: Wow, what a coincidence! I love pissing my grandma off too! Although usually I do it by walking around the house in nothing but my briefs, but...
Vivian the stylish cop: D-did he just brush me off and tell that girl sorry on my behalf? D= Am I not nice?
Luke: You look nice to the Lukemeister! Whaddya say to ditching those two and going out to dinner? The Lukemeister'll pay for ya! Please, the Lukemeister's pretty lonely, on account of the fact that he still lives with his mom and refers to himself in the third person...
Vivian the stylish cop: I don't need this! I'm not just gonna stick around and watch them yuk it up together and talk about how I'm not nice, which I totally AM! I'm leaving!
Luke: So is that a no, then?
Luke: Guess the Lukemeister's gonna cry himself to sleep again tonight...
Strawberry: Whoa, she actually left! In that case, would you like to hang out with me?
Lydia: Ha, sure, as long as she's not gonna come after us with a shotgun or something. She seemed a little crazy.
bolob's Ceil Vikerkaar: Hmmm, I wonder what I should wear for Count Mitch tonight?
Strawberry: You know, that's actually valid fear... Just let me get this real quick in case we need to call 911.
Lydia: Wow. o_o
~lovely teenage bonding time~
Lydia: This has been fun, but there's one thing that still bugs me. Why is such a cute guy like you with somebody like her? You deserve better, you know.
Strawberry: Yeah, I've been thinking about breaking things off for awhile now. Things just aren't working between us.
Lydia: Then why haven't you?
Strawberry: Honestly, she really scares me. =\ I don't even know what to do at this point without setting her off.
Lydia: Then get someone to help. She's not the only cop in town. I seem to recall hearing about an Officer Sexy.
Strawberry: *sigh* I don't know.
Lydia: Well, look. I really like you, but until you break up with that nutcase, I don't think we should see each other again. Call me once you man up and get it over with, alright?
Strawberry: Alright. =[
Strawberry: Well, tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all! Guess I better move on. Say, Brittany, you're looking GOOD lately...
Brittany: Awww, you're looking good too. REAL good... *licks lips*
Uh, I think you just created another dangerous situation for yourself, Strawberry. Plus, you didn't even really "lose" Lydia. She just wants you stick up for yourself and become a better person for it. You know, she really brought up some legitimate points---
Wow, these community lots had really crappy lighting. But anyway, Strawberry found this one chick and flirted with her a bit. I don't even remember her name; she was pretty forgettable, honestly.
I don't think she'll ever call him after seeing his "sexy" face, anyway.
steezie_k's Estella Creelman: You have to admit that he's pretty cute in a dorkish way, though.
But that's Orenji's ~thang~, not his. He's going for a teenage heartbreaker sort of thing.
Estella: Yikes, that's what he's trying to do? Yeah, that's never gonna happen.
Soon after he was sent back home and we were greeted by this. Guess Kii and Kathleen are having all the carsex marathons they want while they still can.
However, Orenji and Chris still take the cute award every time, hands down.
Orenji: Oh, my love! Someday I'll make our own dick-shaped building, just for the two of us!
Chris: Oh, Orenji! <3 I can't wait!
Annnnnd the next day Brick and Strawberry graduated, so I sent them off to college! Brick pretty much looks exactly the same.
So does Strawberry, except that I think he lost some of the baby fat on his face.
Strawberry: Well, crap. That baby fat was what absorbed the blow of Vivian's cheek pinches!
Sorry, but everybody's gotta grow up sometime. Besides, now that you're in college maybe you'll have a little more protection from her! Don't most dorms have a security guard?
Strawberry: That's real life, not here.
Uh oh...
Brick's makeover isn't anything special. Now he's just wearing different hemp clothing.
Strawberry's, however, is a little more special! What do you guys think of his new hair? At first I wasn't sure, but it's grown on me! =D
Anyway, time to leave these guys behind and head back to the house! I bet it'll seem weird with only one kid left...