Dec 02, 2007 22:17
It has been some time since I last posted to this journal, caught up as I have been in the necessities of life, and encountering more tests of resolve than new insights to offer here. But in these past months, I have found constant confirmation that the 3 Rays of Enlightenment - Compassion, Perception, Reason - are a sure test of all things one perceives, feels and does. When I have slipped into carelessness, it has been the reapplication of these that sets me right again, burning away the fog of my delusions and revealing my true state and options with unclouded clarity. It can be a hard thing, since what one sees in this fashion is not always what one wishes to face, wishes to acknowledge, about the situation, oneself, the choices at hand and the consequences ahead.
Who would want to have a light cast on the cobwebs and shameful rot one has been hiding deep in the depths of the mind and soul? Who would desire to set aside blithe hope and embrace what may prove to be cold fact and grim circumstance? Who would seek the pain of feeling the grind of existence all around?
I shy away from it like anyone, and it is a test of my resolve at times to face it all with open eyes. But in the end, it is a relief, a cleansing experience; and knowing this, I cast the light of the 3 Rays upon myself, and the world around me, and I find that I am strengthened and focused by the trial, and I attain knowing serenity - not the empty bliss of ignorance - but the utter certainty of true awareness. I take one more step closer to awakening, and the fear of that unknown evaporates.
A light shines upon my path ahead, and it is my own light, beaming from within.
So far, few share my path, few have taken up this challenge.
But It is a very hard climb, up this mountain.
And it is natural to be afraid of heights.