Brief City update, as Emmy is having an out-of-country experience...

Apr 01, 2007 17:00

Wow. Didn't realize how much I missed the damn place. Plus it was a good-atmosphere night, so that didn't hurt.

Played all sorts of good noise: DEFL (ask Emmy about the abbreviations), Zombie Nation, Crash (and the other Mesh song that we like), EAD, Into the Void, Chrome, a seriously happy remix of what I think was a Static-X song (??!!), Personal Jesus, Ritual Noise, This Shit Will Fuck You Up, Today I Woke to a Rain of Blood (I think I popped a rib on that one), the happy Ladytron song; among a whole bunch of others that I either can't remember/don't actually know the names. When they played Light, one of the other regulars danced in the same corner with us, and we ended up shouting the words to each other (which was interrupted several times by me laughing my ass off).
Anyhow, point being, good music.

Forgot the rules, too, and made eye contact too many times and got my silly ass hit on. In too good of a mood to get pissy (I HATE being hit on); one of note tho was the dude who made some comment, then stood in the corner watching me dance--I looked over at one point and he was licking the speaker.
Um, yuk.
Dude's tongue probably fell off in the toilet when went home and puked up all the beer he drank. Thass what he gets, I guess.

Talked to a dude from New York (really heavy Bronx accent), who was staying in the Leland, and had heard the noise and come downstairs to investigate. He kept just looking around, all happy-like, shouting that he loved this place. (Happy note: same dude from New York told me that my dancing was "fucking hard-core!". Yay!)

It was one of those nights where it all just went right, where the music took over, and took out all the crankies when it left. Needed that.

Then we left to discover that it was POURING outside. Which might've been a little irritating, but as soon as we hit the pavement, the sky exploded--thunderstorms are always happy!

So we played in that, and took 75 home (cuz our favorite view ever is coming home on 75). Right at the bridge over the industrial mess (so pretty!) was a very totaled Celica with the hazards on; must've just happened. Didn't see anyone, and thought "someone will stop anyhow" and kept bopping along. Then realized a mile down that it had just happened, duh, and we are in Detroit--who the fuck is gonna stop at 4 in the morning? So we went back, and were glad we did, too. The dude was ok, just a little shaken, but he said the cops couldn't figure out where he was (he didn't know the area at all, and couldn't say where he was), and weren't coming. Don't think he was drunk or anything; the roads were pretty bad at this point, and he'd just lost it and hit the barrier head on. So we dropped him off at a gas station nearby (made sure it was well-lit and not barred; wouldn't do to help someone just to get them shot), and went on our happy way.
Funny note: think we freaked out the kid at first. He was for all appearances your typical frat boy, and here comes this scruffy-gothed out thing knocking at his car window at 4 in the morning--he wouldn't open the door at first. He thanked me a bunch of times when I dropped him off, tho (book/cover--got it dude?).

Then donuts, and other stuffs that a nice lady doesn't talk about.
Me, either. ;)

Anyhow, thass all for now, kids.
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