Oh, what a night....

Sep 30, 2006 06:44

So, tonight, Ocifer Pohki:

• Started off the night by running up and down over 1400 stairs;
• Was hit on several times;
• Was invited to a party (right after she'd busted one up)
• Was the recipient of several death-glares and shouted insults that would make a drill sargeant cry;
• Was bribed (unsucessfully, I should add);
• Was invited by no fewer than ten people to come and do shots with them (declined, thankyouverymuch);
• Had a party busted up where there were-I shit you not-one hundred and eleven people in a two-bedroom apartment;
• Had the kid whose apartment it was come up to me and shake my hand afterwards, thanking me for being so helpful;
• Chased cop cars;
• Had quite a few people, whom I’ve talked to/busted up their parties over the last few days, tell me that they understand, I’m just doing my job (WTF??!!);
• Had a girl whom I’d written up a few weeks before (write up=at least $100 fine-at the time, I’m pretty sure she wanted me dead) defend me to everyone else;
• Escorted two raccoons off the property;
• Forgot: to caffeinate myself, to eat (again, WTF?), and to pee;
• Walked around in the rain half the night;
• Almost ran two red lights on the way home, ‘cause the damn things are always flashing when I head home; not used to them working…

Key phrases of the evening: 'Isn't it time for you to go home?' 'Couldn't you just not hear the noise?' 'How you doin' tonight?' 'That's bullshit, man!' 'C'mon, you know what it's like; you used to be our age once (ouch)' ‘Yo, you gonna need some Dime-a-tap, girl!’
and the always popular ’Aren’t you cold?’
*sigh* No, sweetheart, I’m always this shade of blue…

And tomorrow, I get to do it all again. *sigh*

So that’s how my time has been spent lately; still wondering why I disappeared?
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