(no subject)

Sep 02, 2005 01:23



Just watched the last episode, & no I haven't seen the film yet. (Is it just out? Is it even coming out in England? sigh) But yes, I can't believe it's taken me this long to get around to watching it.

SIMON IS POSSIBLY THE MOST BEAUTIFULLEST MAN EVER. He has a whole Joaquin Phoenix thing going, doesn't he? Ah. God yes.

I'm actually vaguely happy with canon pairings. And stuff. And ah. Each and every episode is excellent, and surprising, and funny. If you haven't watched it, go out & do so.

Right. Which brings me to the point- rec me fics?


And if you reallyreally want, give me a prompt and I will write you a couple of lines. [Fandoms I'll do for now- Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG1, HP, Dark Angel, Carnivale, and even maybe Angel...]

simon as god, drabble prompts, multifandom, fic recs, firefly

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