May 22, 2006 10:58
Ok so before Pandora pre empts me with tales of insanity in the neighbourhood let me say that it has rained for days there's nothng to do round here on a Sunday and I was somewhat stir crazy by now.
The late great and much missed Douglas Adams was right when he called it "The long dark teatime of the soul"
I was tired of feeling like the house was pressing down on my head.
So When Mr Pogospace went out into the street to sit in his car to run the battery and check a few things I heaved myself out of the depths of the sofa and got in the passenger seat beside him. We blasted a bit of Rory Gallagher on the ancient tape deck ( tis an oooold car) and sat talking for a while as the windscreen wipers washed away the downpour, already I was feeling better...
Cut to neighbour Kris on her way out to her studio. She caught a glimpse of us in the car and popped over to see what was happening.
I should point out that neither myself or Mr P can drive yet so this was an unusual sight even for our neighbourhood.
Long story short - she got in the backseat and we chatted away all three of us as though this was the most normal way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
After a while Mr P got out of the car to get something for Kris and in the interim who should be coming across the road but the divine Pandora_Ann who was summarily beckoned over and installed in the remaining back seat.
She was puzzled but nothing surprises her about me or Mr P now so she seemd to be taking this rather well.
Mr P then comes back out of the house and blissfully unaware of the new addition to the posse
gets back in the drivers seat and bats not an eyelid to see that the car is now full of laughing women swapping stories and acting like this sort of thing happens everyday.
Just as well that I live in a tiny street really.
I have to say that bizarre though it was it was a lot of fun and blew the slough of despond right away. If only one of us could drive...