You bet, Potter Withdrawal. OotP read twice...I guess it's back to the fanfic...

Jul 09, 2003 16:37

Diagnosis: Potter withdrawal
by Linda G. Kincaid
Monday, July 7, 2003

What's sadder than an orphan boy marooned with relatives who despise him? More desperate than a Dark Lord who has lost all his powers? More ridiculous than a Blast-Ended Skrewt?

Try an adult suffering Post-Potter Depression.

You know who you are. You started counting the days the minute J.K. Rowling's publisher announced the release date for ``Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.'' You reread Book 4 (Oh, admit it: You reread them all) to prepare. You placed an overnight delivery order with or, if you have kids for cover, went to a bookstore at midnight June 21 to get your copy ASAP.

You shunned family, friends and responsibility while you devoured the entire 870-page opus in five days, tops. And it was a terrific read, even though the experience was akin to swallowing an ice-cream cone whole.

But now . . . what?

Like a Martha Stewart wannabe who feels empty after pulling off the perfect Christmas, you're finding these post-``Phoenix'' days are a letdown. You're haunted by the knowledge that we waited three years for Book 5 to come out. How long until we get our next fix?

Most fellow sufferers I know have found that talking about the problem is the only way to cope. A friend at the office stops by my desk almost every day, and within minutes we're plumbing the mysteries of the magical world: How old is Dumbledore, anyway? Was James Potter really a teenage jerk?

Are younger readers suffering, too? I doubt it. Most kids who don't want to leave Hogwarts at the end of ``Phoenix'' will have no problem rereading the book the right way, or starting the whole Potter series again. But what grownup will do that when they ought to be reading a fluffy summer mystery, or ``The Dogs of Babel,'' or that new Ben Franklin biography?

Well, I know of at least one. Don't expect to hear anything more from me for at least, say, five days.

ah, so yeah, I'm bored. I finished reading Frenchman's Creek...quite a good it's Pigs in Heaven...then back to the library, I s'pose...
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