empty muh head

Jul 11, 2010 13:26

I've been thinking a lot about this and I decided I pretty much fucking love you. We've been together for along time and I can say all I want that I'm not ready for this or that commitment but the fact that I keep scraping myself over coals to fight for you and make this work says it all to me. I realize that now. More than any admission to commitment, actions speak louder than words and blahbiddyblah. This is both scary and exciting to me. Mostly scary. I'm still not in a place where I feel it's totally safe to trust and I'm so terrified of a misstep at this point I feel almost frozen. I hope you know how down for you I am and are really as down for me as you say. I love you so much and even though we're in a down swing I'm starting to see light at the tunnel. I'm so scared, yet I want you to know this so badly. I feel like you need to. But I can't because it would be admitting too much. showing my hand. I can't let that go yet, there's too much that's been broken that we're working on fixing right now. I see you fighting for this and it makes me want to try even harder. I hope you see me fighting too. I love you.
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