Jun 07, 2005 21:41
hey bank day was today and so far our team only has $200 turned in. they said we can still turn in money later at the relay i think, but im pretty sure that was the deadline for the community service $100. I'll ask at the meeting on Thursday to make sure though.
our goal on the website is $1500. right now, as an estimation, with everything we've raised i think we might only have a little over $400? maybe we should all try to at least raise up to $50 by next week so we can get closer to that goal? the relay is coming up very fast, so we dont have very much time left anymore. if you have a quick idea as to how to raise more, comment or post it, but otherwise i think it could be kinda easy for everyone to get at least $50 by then. even coins add up to a lot. it doesnt have to be a huge deal, im just thinking maybe this will help us to keep ourselves going towards that goal.
also, we had to sign up for something we wanted to help with while at the relay. we signed up for luminaria and all we need is about 4 people from 4-6 to help set up the bags around the track. we could probably just decide who will be the people to do it at the relay though.
so give your input on the money thing if you can. im just throwing out some suggestions.