Jun 27, 2007 22:38
so maybe i should start writing in this consistantly. i'm bored..so fucking bored. why is it so hard to find a job? dont these people need emplyees? are they fucking stupid? especially this one coffee shop thats about to open near my house, i called and emailed them.. you would think they would need people to work for them being as theyr about to fucking open up? do people think? ever?
so now i'm the only person i know, besides shannon, thats is completly and totally broke and unemployed. and it sucks cause im not unemployed casue im lazy. at all. i want a fucjing job. but the last 15 places dont like to call me back after i call them about 5 times. i give up! i have about 100 bucks saved up in my room, i'll just budget it very carefully and save anything i can mange to scrap up. my mom feels bad so i do pretty much all of her housework for her and she gives me gas money for that, which is really nice. but i would much ratehr have a job and pay for it with my own money.. but what can ya do.
this was my most boring entry yet. noone wants rto read about my finacial probelms!!!
ehotr than being broke as hell, summer is fun. and it should be. and my camera broke the day after i got it fixed in the mail. bahaha..
tomorrow i go to the witches brew with liz wooo! licences are awesome.