The monster that is TV

Dec 21, 2005 14:26

My friend Mason's been giving some very good rants about the government and I thought I should join in.
The Senate had hearings a few weeks ago about the state of television programmning. Seriously, this is an issue that's much more important than the War in Iraq, education, health care, illegal wiretapping, the CIA leak case, poverty? A woman from one of those family values groups brought up the 1950's and said that she remembers television when it was wholesome. Jon Stewart on the Daily Show responded that it was also a time when black people couldn't drink from the same water fountain as white people. Right On! Times were different back then, but that doesn't mean it was simpler or morally better. But I digress a little. What I don't understand is why no one is saying, "Hey parents, turn off the tv. Turn on your V-chip." I've talked about this before. It is not the government's job to be a parent for your kids, just like it's not a high school teacher to teach your kids about religion. Take some responsibility.
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