I went to Walmart after work and I stumbled upon blind-pull ponies! Rarity was already open, so I grabbed her, but the others were unknown! WHY DID I GET ALL UNICORNS? I mean, sparkly Rainbow Dash is mildly awesome, but she looks out of place with the others! xD
My main reason for posting is: does anyone want any of these? If not, they're going on ebay. If you're interested, I was thinking $6 shipped in the US? Sparkly RD would be more, but I'm not sure how much more. Maybe $12 shipped? They're a bit pricier on ebay, but I'm not trying to rip anyone off. DO YOU PEOPLE EVEN LIKE PONIES?
Since I promised... have a sleepy gecko.
P.S. Loving this OkCupid site. Seriously. You guys rock.