jedi-malak is absolute win at getting the weirdest movements in Shadow of the Colossus. Alas, I could not take a picture of said win and will have to tell you instead.
Win #1: Falling off the 3rd colossus (the giant) while twirling in a circle. She was pirouetting!
Win #2: Failing at getting back up to the main platform and humping the side instead.
I also failed as well. On the second colossus (the taurus one), while I was going to get the back vital spot and jumped over the hump thing, I flew OVER the entire colossus and almost fell off. Luckily, I caught a ledge on its butt. A very odd way of getting where I needed to go, but hey, it worked.
Oh Shadow of the Colossus. I love your glitches/weird things. ♥