POI Star Trek crossover fic #6: Be on Guard

Sep 01, 2014 01:23

TITLE: Be on Guard
AUTHOR: whomii2
CHARACTERS: Reese, Finch, Fusco, Carter, Shaw, Bear, Leon
SUMMARY: POI Star Trek crossover #6. The crew of the USS Ernest Thornhill rescues another ship. They aren't sure what to make of the other crew

Story on LJ here: http://whomii2.livejournal.com/75833.html

Story with other Star Trek crossovers as chapters on AO3 here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1549043/chapters/4904508

crossover fandom: star trek, rating: g, character: detective lionel fusco, category: crack, category: au, fanworks: fanfic, category: humor, character: harold finch, character: detective joss carter, category: crossover, category: gen, character: bear, character: john reese, category: sequel, author: whomii2, character: samantha shaw, character: nathan ingram

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