Person of Interest - S3xEP10 "The Devil's Share" - 172 Icons

Mar 29, 2014 17:33

Watch out, there's a lot. :p

172 POI Icons / S3xEP10 - "The Devil's Share"
001-026: Finch
027-073: Reese
074-090: Fusco
091-104: Root
105-126: Shaw
127-148: Pairings
149-156: Misc.
157-164: Misc. (Other characters)
165-167: Misc. (Groups)
168-172: Animated (2 +2 variant)


You can find the rest of the icons Here @ my journal

X-Posted to the following POI Communities:
personofint_tv, pofinterest_fic,

episode: 3.10 the devil's share, fanworks: icons

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