- For anyone unfamiliar, a Big Bang Challenge is where authors sign up to complete a long fic by a set due date, and artists sign up to create art for these fics.
- Fics should be a minimum of 10,000 words.
- Please have your fic betaed before you post.
- Do not post your fic/art anywhere before the due date.
- You may write a crossover, AU, etc., as long as Person of Interest is the main fandom.
- You may use your gift exchange fill as your Big Bang fill.
- Artists may do banners, drawings, fanvids, fanmixes, etc.
- If interested, please comment to the sign up post using this format:
Preferred Contact Info:
What you are signing up for, fic/art/both:
A tentative summary of your fic (if applicable):
Other comments/questions:
- Sign Up Dates: Sign ups are open from now until August 1.
- All participating authors should send me (by email or pm) a summary of their fic, along with pairings, warnings, rating, title (if available), and their current word count by August 1.
- The above information (minus the author's name and the word count), will be posted to the Artist Claim post, and artists will have until August 15 to claim the fic they wish to create for. If the author has not sent me this info, then it will not be added to the post, and artists will not be able to claim it.
- Due Date: Story masterposts including the fic and art, must be posted on September 15.
- More info will be forthcoming, and I will be posting reminders. Feel free to contact me for any clarifications.