Twitter Bear is at it again.

Oct 26, 2012 09:28

On October the 22nd-

Posted a link on youTUBE called "Belgium Malinois Police Dogs in Action"
and Tweeted-

"Verre familie!" or "Distant relatives!"

During last night's ariring of Triggerman when Finch and Reese are talking about the restaraunt and Finch mentions their ribeye.

"Ribeye!? Ik kan heb? Lange man! Mee naar huis doggy bag! "


Ribeye!? I can has? Tall man! Bring home doggy bag!

Then he got philosphical..or poetic with;
"De kwellingen der hel bestaan hierin, dat men niet meer kan beminnen. #FjodorDostojewski #personofinterest"

Which means
"The torments of hell consist in this, that one can no longer love"

Next, when Harold leaves to look at Annie's apartment.

"Bebrilde man lopen zonder mij? Maar. Maar. Ik wil lopen! Mis hem! Ik verdrietig... Oh! Wat dat? Een tennisbal? Tennisbal! #personofinterest"

Which translate:

"Bespectacled man walk without me? But...
But.... I want to run!
Miss him! I'm sad ... Oh! What that? A tennis ball? Tennis ball! # personofinterest"

Finally we get another quote:

"Weinig mensen zijn deugdzaam genoeg om de hoogste bieder af te wijzen. #GeorgeWashington #personofinterest"

Which is a Geaorge Washinton Saying
"Few people are virtuous enough to reject the highest bidder "

episode: 2.04 triggerman, fandom: media, character: bear, fandom: promotion

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