Tag Update and Clarification

Jul 06, 2012 02:19

Tag wrangling is ongoing. Per request I have switched "character: jim caviezel" to "person: jim caviezel", etc. I have also added some new tags.

To clarify:
  • Posts asking for a beta or assistance on a fic are welcome, and should use the "fandom: beta" (switched from "beta") and/or the "fandom: requests" tag.
  • Posts regarding plot ideas or challenges are also welcome, and should use the "fandom: plot bunnies" and/or the "fandom: challenge", the and/or "fandom: requests" tag (depending on what you feel is best suited).
  • Posts regarding discussion/research/etc. of canon info such as character background, timeline, etc. should use the "fandom: resource" tag (hopefully this will make it easier for anyone looking for this info).
  • Finally, I have added a "fandom: personal" tag, and have started going through and adding it to posts. I would appreciate however, if such posts were kept to a minimum. Please consider before posting whether or not your post is truly relevant to the community/fandom. If it is something that is more appropriate for a personal journal, I may ask you to remove it. I continue to be thrilled with the activity on this community, but would like our content to remain fandom focused. As always, you're welcome to contact me with any questions/concerns/etc. If you are at all uncertain if something is appropriate for the community, please ask me before you post. 
Due to the length of time it is taking for me to work my way through old posts, I would like to ask anyone who needs/wants an author or artist tag to comment or contact me (please state which you need, author or artist). I apologize for the delay.

Thank you for your continued activity, and I hope you are enjoying this summer.


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