Mar 13, 2010 21:16
Spent 8:30-4:00 doing my drysuit class today with Cal! Then hung out at the shop with Jocelyn, Margaret and Jim and got a beer afterwards with Cal, Charles and Jocelyn. I'm exhausted after my first time in the water in months (even though it was only the pool!), but absolutely THRILLED with the whole concept of drysuits! Okay, I did get pretty wet, but only around the neck because the neck seal is a little loose on me (as it's not my drysuit) and it's been stretched. Also, we practiced releasing air from the neck seal to get negatively buoyant quickly to compensate for too much air in the suit. Also, another negative factor about diving in a suit too big for me, the boots just don't fit me! Makes it very difficult to kick out of an upside-down situation when all the air is in my boots and my feet just get pulled out of them! So annoying! But a fun day all around!! I get to try out the drysuit in the ocean on April 3rd (it's an EASTER EGG HUNT -- UNDERWATER!) and get another certification. Yay! *pleased with self*
Down side, that's the most physical work I've done in a looong frikin time. All winter, maybe more! I can't wait to start doing more, though, it feels good to actually be TIRED at the end of the day (hmm maybe I should start going to a gym...). Signed up for my climbing class and it takes up most weekends for the next month or so! There's also a weekend trip in May to climb in NY that I'm pretty excited about. I guess my problem with the gym is that its the gym! I don't like doing physical stuff that doesn't involve fun at the same time. Running on a treadmill for an hour just doesn't compare to diving for an hour or hiking for an hour. Maybe I need some beauty, something wonderful to look at to make it worthwhile for me. I just don't get such an adrenaline rush from being in a gym!
Now, the question remains, why am I not hungry after a full day of fun???