Its so easy when you know the rules... everybody play the game of love!

Jan 19, 2009 22:13

On this morning's dive I went to my deepest depth ever - 50 feet!! Still haven't seen any sharks or rays (thats gonna be on Wednesday after my fishes final exam when we go to feed the rays) or any turtles. But I have seen a lot of octopus. They look like massive dark maroonish blobs moving silently over the substrate until they realize you can see them and they immediately change color to match whatever is around them. It's super cool to watch!

Two dives total today. The water's pretty choppy and I spent nearly two hours total in the water so I feel as if I'm still rising and falling with the current. I'm pretty exhausted. I have to send the final draft of my big research paper in (Territorality in Stegastes nigricans: selective defensive responses to conspecifics, herbivores, and egg predators) before dinner tonight. And then that means I'm just about all done with Biology/Ecology of Fishes! A course that theoretically should take an entire semester over in just about two weeks! Our final is on Wednesday and then after that we're going where all the touristy types go to feed rays. Then I've got two (blessed) days off! Like really really off, no annoying seminar meetings or work to be done, I can do whatever I want! Its the first time off since I got here and I'm excited to catch up on the all the sleep I'm missing, haha!

It's been raining daily here for the past week. Kinda annoying to have so much overcast sky! We got spoiled last week apparently because I complain that its too cloudy even though it's still really really warm. They call it the rainy season for a reason.

Still recovering from a bout of horrible stomach bug (that seems to be spreading like wild fire to the entire marine station) that resulted in the WORST DIARRHEA OF MY LIFE! Good god, I was in the bathroom like 5 times in less than 3 hours and felt so weak and disgusting. I think it was stomach bug combined with muscle relaxers for my neck. So I stopped taking those and my neck finally feels better. Though I'm still not lifting my own SCUBA gear. I don't wanna re-injure it!

Diving twice in one day doesn't give my ears the chance to adjust to the right pressure! Oooh, they just popped! So weird. Hope all is well for you guys. Cheers!
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