More Things to Annoy Me

Aug 05, 2010 20:13

Still in my g-rents' basement, still unemployed.

My Dad was here yesterday and told me that he and Lynn have tentatively set a date for their wedding on January 15. I told my dad that I thought it was a mistake to marry her now without making sure he has a way to acknowledge his past and that if he thinks she's going to loosen up about it, he's unrealistically optimistic, and that his relationship with his daughters is unlikely to improve either as long as he continues to completely discount our feelings and attempts to force us to accept this relationship. He pointed out that he's an adult and can do what he wants and I responded that while that's true, it doesn't mean everyone is going to approve of his life choices. As my wise sister put it: "I didn't like ridiculous teenage boys when I was a teenager. I don't know why I'd like it when my 56 year old father starts acting like one."

I don't know what to say beyond that. Dan Savage says that the only leverage a child has with her parents is continuing to be in their life. I don't know how much of a relationship I want with someone who prioritizes romantic relationships over all other relationships and an easy life over principles. (And I'm sorry, but it's trashy as fuck to get engaged to someone who is STILL MARRIED to someone else.)
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