Sooo on Wednesday I caved to my body's pizza cravings and got a pizza hut special, £4 pizza. With it came 15 vouchers for more pizza.
I think we all know where this is going.
Anyway, my friend Adam came round on Saturday for half-price pizza and movies. We got to the pizza joint late cuz I forgot the voucher only to realise that we didn't need it - they were doing half-off on all pizzas and they insisted on remaking ours since they'd gotten cold.
And we got more vouchers with them.
So now I have 30 pizza vouchers. What do.
And also we decided he might as well stay over since by the time we finished eating pizza/watching a movie, it was past 1, so we watched cartoons all night.
IDK I think most people realise I have a serious problem with people being anywhere near me (if I'm away from people for too long I go all angsty/'why can't I make friends as easy as my brother wah I'm so alone' but then whenever I'm around a group of people and sober I don't like it - my spirit animal is a cat) so it's just amazing to me that I was completely ok with hanging out with someone for twelve straight hours. Though we spent a week no less than ten feet away from each other at any given time last year so I think any lingering 'oh god PERSON GET IT AWAAYYY' feelings have worn off.
I finally got the key to the mortice lock yesterday. I left a note up on the board in the kitchen asking them to tell me when the landlord was visiting because I'd been caught out w/ a messy room and it'd embarrassed me and a subnote asking for my key and to let the student office have their key because they've been sending out emails asking for it.
Got back a long note which basically boiled down to 'here's your key it was on the board the whole time, we didn't give it to you because you weren't in your room and also nobody could contact you to tell you about the key' except bitchier. And A4. And completely not addressing the fact that they hadn't told me about the landlord.
Putting aside the fact that the key being on the board the whole time being bullshit, given that it definitely wasn't there when I put up my note (and even if it had been, at that point they owed three different parties keys - whose would it have been?) I put up another note pointing out that I was in my room all day Wednesday and Thursday and neither of them had knocked, pointed out that the student office have my email and mobile and one of them has my mobile number.
When I went down on Saturday morning for some tea, they'd taken down both my note and the other note and replaced it w/ a letter from the council that had nothing to do with me. On the one hand the girl who was writing the reply notes drops arguments she loses so it's kind of- I know I've won, so fuck yeah to that. On the other, take down your note if you want but I'll take mine down when I feel like it. Don't try to get rid of it, just admit you fucked up.
idk battles with people you live with just tend to turn into petty bullshit over and over. But I just have to deal w/ it until the end of May/beginning of June and I am home free.
I also finished White Teeth this week and Breaking Bad. I recommend both of them quite a lot. Guuusssssss. We were debating a spin-off centred around Saul Goodman and his A-Team being the coolest or not. It was subsequently decided that it would be the greatest show ever if Skyer was added.
I've had my issues with Skyler's storyline/character because I'm coming at Breaking Bad with personal experience of living with someone with terminal cancer who, in inter-personal/family relationships was a lot worse than Walt. I mean, she didn't go off and cook meth, but she made living at home extremely difficult and well, I don't have a lot of happy childhood memories. So I dunno, I've had a lot of expectations as to BB's portrayal of Skyler and her relationship with Walt and it didn't quite make it. It was only really in the last half of the third season that I warmed up to her and now she, Saul, Hank and Marie are my favourites.
Also I caught up with Parks and Rec, 30 Rock and Modern Family after watching nothing but Breaking Bad. I KEEP EXPECTING SOMETHING TERRIBLE TO HAPPEN AT EVERY PAUSE. Mood whiplash.