Jul 14, 2004 11:56
just because my chemical romance was just on mtv news, you know they are going to blowup and be huge and all the stupid little tbs, brand new, thursday, rufio, yellowcard whores are going to attack them and be like 'OH MY GOD MCR IS SOOOO AMAZING. I LOVE THEM. WAHOO.' you know it. i have no problem with them getting big. but i hate it when they get big and they get the wrong fans who only listen to them because they are the 'in' thing.
call me a music snob. i don't care. im sick of seeing good bands turn to shit because they are becoming so mainstream and all the little whores are discrediting them.
but then another part of me is like, stop being stupid amy, they are amazing and they deserve to get big. is there something wrong with me? why does it matter if those stupid whores like them. most of them probably won't understand what their music is about or appreciate them fully. so why get bothered over it? but i think i have a problem with the fact that i like the same music as the people i hate. the people i loathe. the people who laugh at me and make fun of me and look down on me and just plain look at me like im trash. i dont like that. something is so wrong with me.
on my chemical romance's site about a year ago they put up this letter and it was truly written amazingly. heres a part of it.
if for one minute you think you are better than a sixteen year old girl in a green day t-shirt, you are sorely mistaken. remember the first time you went to a show and saw your favorite band. you wore their shirt, and sang every word. you didn't know anything about scene politics, haircuts, or what was cool. all you knew was that this music made you feel different from anyone you shared a locker with. someone finally understood you. this is what music is about
that was only part of it. the whole thing was amazing. and it made me realize that i can love mcr and it doesn't really matter who else likes them because i love them because of what their music means to me. not anybody else. but i dunno. i used to listen to mcr in school to block out the stupid little bitchs who talked about me. or when they weren't talking about me they were talking about stupid superficial shit. i listened to them because i related to their music. i listened to them because they made me feel better when i was at school with those girls. and now those same girls are going to swallow the band i listened to up when they made me feel like shit. does that make any sense? i doubt it. and now i just seem like an ass because now i seem like a music snob. and maybe i am with them. but the note also said all you knew was that this music made you feel different from anyone you shared a locker with. someone finally understood you. this is what music is about mcr did make me feel different from anyone at abington. everybody at abington has no personality of their own. they all listen to the same music. and now mcr is going to be shoved into that catagory of music that they listen to. i dunno. i make no sense so im shutting up now. maybe im the one whos the superficial bitch. i dunno
mike went back to school on monday and i miss him. but hes so much happier now because hes learning more about what he loves. his computer died which is stressing him out. kinda sucks. hes at school for graphic design and the day before he went back. his computer died. heh.
the 7th was our 3 month anniversary. it was good. i love him so much. and i feel stupid sometimes because i love him so much and im only 14. but i can honestly see myself spending the rest of my life with him. but yeah.
i got a kitten. i don't remember if i said i did. yep. his name is dagda. and hes ADORABLE. but hes sick. hes been at the spca's vet since early friday morning and hes still not well enough to come home. i miss him.
well i needed to rant about the mcr thing so i decided to update about other shit. i feel better now. heh. i seem like an ass. but fuck you its how i feel.
im off to make mike brownies because i made him sugar cookies for his first day at school but everybody ate them and he got like 4 when i made 25. but yeah. toodles.