Normally, I am not one for Emo music but a friend of mine gave me a CD which contained a number of disturbing songs one of which Sic transit gloria (where I get the title of this post) really started to stick with me. I guess between the sermons I have been hearing lately, my own personal feeling and the images that were presented in the movie 300 the concept of sexual defilement has been running rather strong through my thoughts. What I guess caught me about this song is that it is a lament of innocence from a male perspective. That was rare enough to gather my attention. Society does not allow for much open sorrow about loss of innocence but from males it is even less tolerant. As gross as I find the topic, I guess I enjoy the sensitivity of it and the bluntness of this songs treatment of it.
Last night I was at a party and found myself humming a few bars only to have someone at the party reconignize what I was singing and show me the video. The video was very cool. I especially love the way that everyone in the room echos his movements and then at the end he himself is just a helpless reflection of the actions of someone else. I also thought that the lamb on the door was great, although I hear it appears in a number of videos by this director.