Seven Days

Oct 11, 2007 18:58

Well, seven days ago I quit my job and now I have a new one. Pretty nice turn over. I am thanking God. Not an expression I really am and certainly had people praying for me. Now I just need to pray that my friend Peggy gets one. Besides thanking The-One-From
Whom-All-Good-Things-Come, I am also thanking my brother-in-law who told me who was hiring but did not have signs up in the Mall (a really critical bit of info).So when I applied at the book shop was given an interview two hours later and was hired on the spot because I was one of four or five not one of 50 or 60 like I would be if they put up a sign or out an add.

I know it is just a seasonal job with the bookstore that might frizzle out after the holidays but it is a way to keep me from eating up my savings while I try to go to the Vo-Tech or Grad School (depending on if I can get aid and how much). In addition to working at the book shop (nice and bohemian isn't it) I am also going to keep selling Jonathan's excess stock at the flea markets and maybe do some screen printing with Jeff.

I am uncharacteristically optimistic. It just might all work out. :)

work, masters

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