Oct 21, 2003 21:21
I am sitting here, trying to be cheery but I can't. Everyone is at fencing. It is just so hard. I mean me here all alone in the place i share with them. I know that I shouldn't begruge them for something they lovwe doing but it sucks. I mean I liked it and wanted to try it more but I couldn't. It just hurts. I am trying so hard to be strong but it hurts. Not being able to do the things I want, not being able to walk around much. To have everyone tell me, "Sikt down Heather", "Don't hurt yourself, Heather". I know they care about me and it means alot to me. It just hurts. I mean I am so used to taking care of people not the other way around. I am dealing though. I mean I love my friends and it is sop great to have people who care about me so much. You know except for my knees everything in my life is great. I know I need to focus on that but sometimes my knees just get me so down. Sory for all the self-pity, I am better now.